Lauren Layne Talks Writing Process

Author of the Sex, Love and Stiletto series Lauren Layne shares her writing process.

What is your writing process?

Well, if you’d asked me this just a few months ago, I’d have said that I’m a pretty hard-core outliner, but as I’m writing this now, I realize that I’ve been less rigid in my last couple books. I don’t know if that’s just because of the nature of these most recent stories, or because I’m getting better at this whole writing thing, and my instinct sort of guides me on what the book needs next?

I will say this though. I write pretty much every day. I’ll skip a day here and there if I’m sick or it’s Christmas, but for the most part I’m an almost 365 days a year kind of writer. Not only because my deadlines are very “back to back” but because I find it helps me stay in the flow of the story. The longer my breaks between writing days, the harder it is to get back in the habit.

Lauren Layne

As far as how much I write … I have this really handy spreadsheet for every book that I write. I enter my target word count, how many days I have until deadline, and it automatically tells me the bare minimum I need to hit each day in order to get it done in time. And then I write at least that amount, every single day. Sometimes I go way over, sometimes I just keep past it, but I always hit it! (barring illness, emergencies, etc)

 Describe your journey as an author so far.

My journey is really pretty traditional in that I did everything by the book. I started my first ever book. Abandoned it after realizing it was terrible and had no direction. Started another one, this time with a plan, and finished it. Queried it, but didn’t get a single nibble. Put that one away and wrote another book, this time with the intent to write something that I thought would sell. Queries that one, and alas … after a handful of rejections, got an agent who wanted the full manuscript. She offered representation a couple days later, and a couple months after that we had a book deal on the table!

As you can see, I wasn’t particularly innovative in my approach towards publication. I read the books, read the blogs, and followed the standard process to the letter. It worked for me. But I will say … things are changing so rapidly now, there’s no longer just “one path!” You’ve really got to go with your gut; do what feels right for you, even if everybody else thinks you’re crazy. You only live once, and YOU get to choose how you go about it!

About Lauren Layne

Photo of Lauren Layne

Lauren Layne is a snarky cynic with a serious weakness for happily ever afters.

Marrying her high school sweetheart was a good start. *cue Disney soundtrack.* But Lauren wanted all romance, all the time.

Now she writes fictional happy endings, and considers her job done well if you swoon while reading her books. Don’t worry. You will.

Once upon a time she lived in a Manhattan high-rise, but now she’s on the laid-back train in the Seattle area. If you ever find yourself in Issaquah, she’ll probably buy you a drink. Maybe.

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Want more Lauren? Check out her previous visit where she shares 10 Fun Things to do in Washington State.


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