A Quick Chat with Von Powell

Welcome author of Every Woman Deserves an Accessory, Von Powell. I have to say that’s a very interesting title for a book.

Von PowellWhat makes you cry?

Hmmm…I rarely ever cry, but when I do cry, it’s because I’m thinking about whether or not the work that I’m doing will all pay off how I want it to. Being able to provide for myself and my future family is extremely important to me, and if I couldn’t provide how I want to I would be really hurt. But, I’d regroup and figure out how to make it happen for us.

What do you know now that you wish you knew as a teenager?

I wish I knew as a teenager that it’s okay to make mistakes and have fun. I was very rigid and so focused on my education that I really didn’t enjoy high school until the end of my junior year. Looking back, I probably would have let loose a few times.

What television shows or movies resonate with you and why?

When I can catch some TV, it’s all about Survivor and the Amazing Race. I am on the edge of my seat whenever I’m watching those shows. I am all for good competitive fun and tactical game play. If they ever have a writer’s edition for either show, I would be down to play.

Who is your favorite author?

Honestly, I really don’t have a favorite author. There are a few authors that I admire but most of the writers who’ve impacted my life have all been songwriters. People like Marvin Gaye, Babyface, Curtis Mayfield, and Static Major just to name a few. Their way with words and their ability to make the listener feel the authentic emotion that their words embody is beyond wonderful. Those guys really push me to make my work better and to tell really amazing stories. Stories that genuinely touch my reader’s emotions and makes them feel something real.

If you had a choice to live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?

I would love to live in Malibu, California. Growing up I never really cared for the beach, but now I can’t get enough of it. Besides having some really exclusive beaches, Malibu has some nice restaurants as well. I would definitely enjoy living amongst the mountains and staring out toward the ocean as I take in the perfect weather.

What is your writing process?

When I am writing, I have to have some really good music to support my work. I have a pretty diverse taste in music but I love songs that tell a really good story and are relatable. Besides good music, I love to park my car at the mall and just write in my vehicle. I love the feeling of being amongst other people while writing, but still having my privacy as I pour all of myself onto the pages.

What’s next for you?

Currently, I am working on my next novel, which I am looking to release summer I would love to share more details, but they are still being worked out. All I can say is that it will be electrifying and touch every emotion inside of you. More details to come soon.

About Von Powell

How did this high school teacher turn into a steamy book author? Well, honestly Von Powell has always been a writer; who recently started teaching. Growing up as an only child on Chicago’s south side encouraged Von to use his creativity to have fun when it was too snowy and cold to go outside or too hot and violent to play with his friends.

Thus, as a child to keep himself occupied, he would draw pictures and create short stories to go with them. Encouraged by his teachers, Von decided that maybe one day after he finished law school, it would be a good time to write.

However, when the time came for Von to attend law school, he deferred his offers and committed to serving for two years as a Teach For America Corp member. While teaching, Von realized just how much he loved to connect with people’s emotions and admittedly saw writing as a way to impact more lives. Von confesses that “not attending law school was one of the hardest decisions that I’ve had to make.” Von turned down offers to attend law school in order to, “give back to others, especially young men who look like me and come from similar backgrounds.”

The national education program, Teach For America, allowed Von the forum for him to make it happen. Ultimately, serving others was one of the best decisions Von could have made for himself as he smiles and says,

“Working with my students inspired me to do what I love and follow my dreams. They’re a huge support system.”

Von’s debut novel, Every Woman Deserves an Accessory, released digitally and in paperback November 25, 2014. Von promises that it will get readers flushed with fever, sweaty with anticipation, and laughing as they fight back the tears while reading.

Connect with Von: Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Instagram | Website

Now you know a little more about Von Powell, check out his novel below:

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Every Woman by Von PowellTitle: Every Woman Deserves an Accessory by Von Powell
Genre: Romance Erotica
Release Date: November 25th, 2014


When Raquel Davis, a successful, but jaded makeup artist first heard about personal trainer Javier Vasquez, she wasn’t interested. Her marriage was crumbling and her friendships were becoming destructive. Overweight and lacking confidence, Raquel wasn’t ready or interested in meeting anyone new.

Fast forward five years. Raquel is eighty pounds slimmer with much more confidence in herself. She has ended her marriage and traded in the flash of a diamond ring for the flashbulbs of the red carpet. But, despite all her material and career success, she wants something more.

Raquel has survived heartbreak, handled single motherhood, and thrived in the world of fashion, but will she allow herself to take a chance on love again? Although she is now use to wearing diamonds only on her ears, perhaps Javier will be able to show Raquel an accessory or two that she’s been missing.

She knew what she wanted. She knew what she needed. But she had no idea what she deserved.

Purchase: Every Woman Deserves an Accessory on Amazon. 

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