Dealing with Reviews by Victoria Vane

Victoria VaneAs most authors know, there is no amount of paid advertising that can equal the power of word of mouth for selling books. Book reviews are one of the very best ways to generate this kind of interest, but there truly is a good, a bad, and an ugly side to reviewing. Here are some thoughts from an author’s perspective.

Positive Reviews:

When I receive a great review, I’m always elated that my story resonated with my reader, but I am particularly thrilled when a reviewer refers to a favorite scene or quotes a snippet of dialogue. This tells me that they really “got” my story. These kinds of “quotable” reviews are the most helpful to an author as they can also be used as promotional tools on future books and web sites.

Dealing With Negative Reviews:

When I submit my work to a reviewer, I always hope for a stellar review, but I also know after six years and twenty-two titles, that I will never be able to please everyone all of the time—even my die hard fans.

When I read a negative review, I try to view it constructively if possible, and then move on. I never dwell on the negatives, mainly because many negative reviews are not constructive. Although these can sometimes be hurtful, criticizing someone [for] a review is a very bad move—everyone is entitled to their opinion.

While no one loves negative reviews, I knew when I began writing that I would have to grow a thick skin. As an author, it’s important to understand and accept that fact. And while we all endeavor to write great books, some stories are going to be better than others and some will touch readers in unpredictable ways—either good or bad.

Recently I have seen some humorous Youtube videos of bestselling authors reading some of their bad reviews. I’m not sure I would do this personally, but it is rather funny.

A Brief Word about Spoilers:

Nothing is as disheartening to an author as reading a review (even a great one) with plot spoilers! What’s the point in reading a book if you already know what’s going to happen? Instead of focusing on plot, a great review should hone in on the reader’s feelings about the story and the characters.  Are the characters well developed and sympathetic? Did the author do a good job in explaining their motives? Is their character growth in the story? Is the romance compelling and believable?


The very best way to support your favorite authors is to post reviews of their work (preferably with snippet quotes and no spoilers) on e-book retailers sites (Amazon, B&N, etc..) as well as high visibility review sites such as Goodreads, Booklikes, LibraryThing, personal blogs and social media. This is form of book advertising is invaluable and very much appreciated. If you love a book, please review and spread the word!

Victoria Vane book tour
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Cover for Beauty and the bullriderTitle: Beauty and the Bull Rider (Hotel Rodeo #3) by Victoria Vane
Release date: March 15, 2016
Published by: Lyrical Shine


When Beauty Wants A Baby

Championship bull breeder and former Texas beauty queen Delaney McCall was having a heck of a time finding a daddy for the baby she craved. A failed marriage left her with no desire for another husband, but finding the right stud to satisfy her needs presents a bigger problem that she could have imagined.  

And The Bull Rider Wants Beauty

After hanging up his spurs, bull rider Zac McDaniel wants nothing more than to fulfill Delaney’s dream of having a family. After all, his best friend’s ex has been his fantasy for years. Zac, however, has no desire to be seen as just a means to an end. And when Zac insists on doing things the “old fashioned” way, their passion explodes like a bull out of the chute…

 Some Bucking Is Bound To Happen

While insisting it’s all just a passing fancy, the more Delaney sees the softer side of the rough and tumble cowboy, the harder it is to keep her emotions corralled. Zac, meanwhile, is more determined than ever to prove he’s what she really needs, and will do whatever it takes to tear down the mile high fence around her heart…

Add Beauty and the Bull Rider (Hotel Rodeo #3) to your Goodreads shelf.

Purchase Beauty and the Bull Rider (Hotel Rodeo #3) on Amazon | B&N | GooglePlay | iTunes | Kobo

About Victoria Victoria Vane photo

Victoria Vane is an award winning author of smart and sexy romance. Her collective works of fiction range from historical to contemporary settings and include everything from wild comedic romps to emotionally compelling erotic romance. Victoria is the founder of the Goodreads Romantic Historical Fiction Lovers and the Romantic Historical Lovers book review blogs.

Connect with Victoria: Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads


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