10Q’s with Travis Casey

About Travis Casey

Travis was brought up in Midwest America before embarking on a nine year Navy career that allowed him to travel the world and learn about life. He has ping-ponged across oceans moving from mainland United States to Hawaii, to Scotland, to Seattle, to England, to Minnesota, back to England, and back to Minnesota where he currently resides … for now

He writes easy-reading, light-hearted fiction and “You couldn’t make it up” true stories about his own experiences. Relax by the beach or curl up on the couch on a rainy day while Travis takes you on fun-filled adventures that let you forget about life for a while and have a laugh.

How long have you been writing?

I started writing articles for a website in 2006. In 2009/10 I wrote my first book, which I never published. I started Trouble Triangle in 2011 and published it in 2012.

Do the characters all come to you at the same time or do some of them come to you as you write?

I think of 2-3 main characters and start with them. Then I add characters as I need them. Mark was not planned when I began Trouble Triangle but I soon discovered that Tyler needed a friend to talk to. Especially writing in first person, I needed to get certain information to the readers. The only way I could do that without looking obvious was to give Tyler someone to talk to so details could be revealed through their conversation. Then halfway through the book, one of my writing partners commented that Tyler didn’t display a lot of redeeming qualities. So I invented a homeless guy, Otto, that Tyler befriended and helped out. It gave him new depth and showed his caring side but it was totally unplanned.

What kind of research do you do before you begin writing a book?

I wouldn’t call it research, but when I’m about to start a new book I think of 2 or 3 main characters I want to write about. And I let then resonate with me for a few weeks without writing a word. I develop them in my mind—mannerisms, quirks, personalities, hobbies, attributes, annoying habits, etc.

Once that’s formulated, I go on the internet and find pictures of them. For example, for my current novel, I Googled “Cute, slightly overweight, 24-year-old girl” and found my Lisa Knolls. Her, and “40-year-old good-looking blond male” (now Chad Dixon) are posted on the bulletin board over my desk and will remain there until I complete the novel.

If I ever get writer’s block, I will stare at the picture and mumble, “Come on, Lisa, what are you thinking.”

What do you think about the current publishing market?

The greatest thing about Amazon is that anyone can publish a book.

The worst thing about Amazon is that anyone can publish a book.

Do you read yourself and if so what is your favorite genre?

When I’m not writing I spend my time on critiquecircle.com, an online writing group that I’ve been a member of since 2011. It’s alpha reading and critiquing other writers, many of them brand new.

I enjoy helping other writers develop their skills as others had helped me. So it’s not conventional reading but it does improve my skills as a writer examining the work of others. I can choose what to critique and it’s categorized by genres. I zero in on the romance and suspense section. Most of the romance writers are women and they value my opinion in helping solidify their male characters.

You write a lot of romance yourself. Why’s that?

It’s the only time I can control what a woman thinks, says, and does.

Do you prefer to write in silence or with noise?

Dead silence. If anybody watched me write they’d think I was some kind of nut. Certain scenes I want to get the actions right. So I’m in my office placing imaginary headlocks on characters to accurately describe “I slung my arm around his neck, pulling my fist toward my rib cage with his big, fat head stuck in my man-made hoop of bicep and bone. His neck throbbed under my muscular contraction.” And there I am sitting in my office with my arm hooped looking down at the empty hole I created with my arm.

Do you write one book at a time or do you have several going at a time?

Come on, I’m a guy. I’m not a multi-tasker.

Tell us about a favorite character from a book

I develop crushes on all my female MCs, so they’re all fun to me. In my third book, Forbidden Trouble, I gave Tyler another friend—Billy Earl McClure from Kentucky. I can’t tell you how much fun I had writing Billy Earl.

In one scene his division officer threatened to send him on special assignment to the Marine detachment on board the ship. “Is that what you’d like, McClure?” She asked. “To be sent to spend time with the Marines?” Billy Earl hand-ironed the front of his shirt. “Noooo, ma’am,” he replied. “A handsome devil like me? They might try to do unnatural things with me.”

That still cracks me up

What advice would you give new authors?

Learn the craft. It’s not enough to be a good storyteller, you have to be a good story show-er. And that takes practice and tuition. I hate it when I see writers brag about “I break all the rules.” Often times it’s because they don’t know what the rules are or they’re too lazy to find out or abide by them. In the first place, writing is creative so there are very few rules to break. And creativity should test the boundaries. But the craft should be respected. If one chooses to write first-person POV, one cannot simply switch to third person to convey information because it becomes too difficult to get certain facts across. That’s not only breaking the rules, it’s also cheating and shows a lack of skill by the author.

Another example I’ve seen of “breaking the rules” is when authors recite song lyrics. Titles cannot be copyrighted and I often use songs myself to set the mood.

In Trouble Triangle, Tyler walked across the dance floor as The Go-Go’s sang “Our Lips Are Sealed.” (I love that song, BTW) But once you write beyond that, the writer is infringing upon copyrighted material and must get permission from the songwriter to print their work. That’s the rule! No exceptions.

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About the Book

Trouble Triangle Tyler’s Trouble Trilogy Book 1 by Travis Casey
Genre: Romantic Comedy


Tyler Chambers finds that his luck has run out…almost. After several brushes with the law, he avoids jail by enlisting in the Navy. When Tyler gets stationed in Pearl Harbor all his troubles look to be behind him.

Life keeps getting better when smooth-talking Tyler lands a date with the base’s hottest chick, Holly Knight, but things sour quickly when he discovers how controlling and annoying she is. As he is about to dump her, a revelation from his past comes back to haunt him and Holly is the only person who can save his Navy career and keep him out of prison. But what does she want in return?

He should be grateful, but is besotted with another girl. Debbie Meyers is sexually confused and has her own ideas for Tyler. She beds him easily enough and uses him in a vendetta against Holly. Tyler finds himself in a Trouble Triangle when both women want him for their own needs.

A story of lust, love and blackmail.
But who’s doing what to whom?

*Adult Romantic Comedy*

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Other books by Travis Casey

Forbidden Trouble, Enemy of My Enemy

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