The Power of Nature

Desicating winds
Seared the earth
No respite in sight
Suddenly appeared
Cumulous clouds
Providing us hope
Torrents of rain
Crashed to the earth
Breaking the spell
Thundering bolts
Lightening streaked skies
Earth quickly sated
In one month’s time our drought has been broken. It is perhaps too late for some plants and creatures, while other creatures thankfully munch the new greenery on the desert floor. Desert’s extremes seem to have momentarily struck a balance, albeit leaving damage in its path. Homes flooded and cars stranded as people rode out the storm. There’s a mix of thankfulness for much needed rain and sadness for the destruction its violent nature took. Thus can be the flash floods of the Southwest.
Rita Mosiman is an avid hiker who feels a strong connection to the land and nature’s artistry. In her book Serenity and Beauty she explores the true beauty that exists in the simplest of things. Purchase a copy here.
Photography by artist Rita Mosiman is featured at Western Commerce Bank. 1910 Wyoming Blvd. NE Albuquerque NM 87112!
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