The Lighter Side of Life in Photos

Things that make you go hmmm by @Gillianfx

This is EXACTLY what is meant by plain talk bad manners. Photo by KK Outlet
This is EXACTLY what is meant by plain talk bad manners. Photo by KK Outlet
I'll let you caption this one.Photo by
I’ll let you caption this one.
Photo by
What your co-worker is really thinking. Photo by
What your co-worker is really thinking. Photo by
Redneck hot tub.
Redneck hot tub.
It's all about perspective.
It’s all about perspective.
In case of emergency tear page.
In case of emergency tear page.

That’s all folks. Please leave a comment below, I love hearing from ya!

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3 thoughts on “The Lighter Side of Life in Photos

  1. 1. I guess when you get tired of picking up trash tossed by others…
    2. I couldn’t bear to caption it either.
    3. I’ve had days like that!
    4. Easy to change the water. It’s best to make sure the operator is your friend too.
    5. Great shot, but what’s that in his hand?
    6. So that’s why I don’t get my paperback books back!

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