The Awakener Top 10 Cast List

Today’s top 10 is by Clean Teen Publishing author of The Awakener (Watchers of Men Book 1), Amanda Strong.

Amanda lists the top 10 dreamcast actors for The Awakener.


Awakener Liam Hemsworth

Liam Hemsworth as Micah Hawkins

Chris Hemsworth

 Chris Hemsworth  as Gabriel

The Awakener Eden Allie DeBerry as Eden

 Cam in the Awakener

Cam Gigandet as Trent

Cord Overstreet Chord Overstreet as Andrew

Shay Woodley Awakener

 Shailene Woodley as Caitlin

Awakener Willow

 Barbara Palvin as Willow

Drew Fuller in the Awakener

Drew Fuller as Damon

 Debbie Ryan The Awakener

Debby Ryan as Jessie

 Kellan Lutz

Kellan Lutz as Chase

The book cover for The Awakener
Cover courtesy Clean Teen Publishing

Synopsis for The Awakener (The Watchers of Men)

Seeing Micah for the first time in years, fifteen year old Eden wants nothing more than to run and hide, but instead in a moment of sheer embarrassment, she throws her arms around his neck; unaware she just changed her childhood friend forever.

With eyes’ opened to the realm of angels and demons, Micah discovers he has become the Seer, called to save the world from an impending fire.  Shy and awkward, Eden stumbles through high school clueless her guardian angel shadows her every move, keeping her safe while she unknowingly “awakens” others to their spiritual gifts.  Micah will need those Eden touched to complete his mission which began long ago in the ancient City of Enoch and its secret underground temple. 

With angels and demons fighting around them, both Eden and Micah must find their own personal courage and faith in order to know what to do for the battle that awaits them, one they must triumph or risk losing everyone they love.


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