Episode 5 – The Artist

In Young Hollywood, Episode 5 – The Artist, Haze tries to move on after Adriana’s accident, but Adrian’s behavior arouses Haze’s suspicion and causes concern.

The History

From the moment Adriana Banovic kissed Haze Lyndon, he knew that she was someone he could never forget. Unaware that she was still in high school, their relationship progressed, and he fell in love … hard.

Previously…. (in FPS 5: Bad Uncle)

Haze discovers that Adriana had been lying to him about her age. Their breakup is an emotionally charged hot mess. Heartbroken and desperate to get over her, he turns to Carys, who seizes the opportunity to make her feelings for him known.

The Artist Family Portrait 6

Haze sat on the sand at Huntington Beach and sketched Adriana as she surfed. Her body and the board beneath her feet moved in time with the waves. She reminded him of a violinist, at one with her instrument as she coerced harmonizing tunes from it. Adriana was a natural, she’d learn to surf before she could walk and as much as she tried to teach him, he was hopeless. Instead, he was content to watch her, to study her, his muse … the love of his life.

About an hour later, she walked towards him, her long dark hair plastered to her head, surfboard under her arm and a big grin on her face.

“What a rush!” She stuck the board in the sand and plopped down next to him. “Whatcha doin’?” she asked playfully and tried to sneak a peek at his sketchpad but he pulled it away in time.

“You’ll see when it’s ready.” He hid the sketchpad behind his back knowing that she would not let him get off that easily.

“I wanna see,” she tackled him and they rolled around playfully on the sand.

“You wanna see? You wanna see? See this.” He tickled her sending her into a fit of giggles and playful screams. He pinned her hands above her head and gazed lovingly into her eyes. Their eyes locked, he brought his lips down gently towards hers and tasted the salt on her lips. The softness of her tongue against his turned his insides to water.

“I love you, Blue. I’ll love you forever.” He whispered against her lips.

“Diddo, my love.” She whispered and slipped her hands under his tee shirt to caress his back.

Her touch was the touch of heaven and he groaned as their kisses deepened. He flipped her on top of him as he rolled over on his back, and just like clockwork, she rested her head in her special spot on his chest; her ear to his defective heart.

Haze was born with a heart defect and he knew her greatest fear was that his heart would quit on him, so she always placed her head where she could hear it beating away; alive and filled with love for her…

Haze wanted the moment to last forever, but the dawn betrayed him and when light streamed through the curtain, the empty hole he felt in his heart resurfaced. His insides burned with emotional anguish and even-though he was dreaming, when his eyes opened he could still feel the warmth of her head on his chest.

He looked to his right and saw Carys Wilson, sound asleep next to him. The covers slipped down enough to reveal her delicate, bare shoulder as she laid on her side with her back facing him. Their spontaneous first date turned into a night of pizza with friends, a couple rounds of pool and dancing. It was the first time since Adriana’s accident that Haze laughed, and it felt good.

After their date, he walked her back to her apartment. Carys took the lead and kissed him, one kiss lead to another and before long they gave in to passion. He had no regrets, Zax was right, he had to move on, but the bitter pill of guilt was still tough to swallow.

Haze slowly crept out of bed, careful not to wake Carys, he gathered his clothes off the floor.

“This is a nice way to wake up, a gorgeous, naked man in my bedroom.” Carys purred and stretched.

“Good morning,” Haze kissed her lightly on the lips. “Didn’t mean to wake you.”

“You just meant to sneak out.”

“I was gonna get us breakfast.” Haze slipped on his underwear and pants in one go.

“Okay, you’re forgiven.” Carys smiled. “I had a good time last night.”

Haze sat on the edge of the bed and put on his shoes, “so did I, it was … unexpected.”

Carys kneeled behind him and slipped her arms around his chest. He could feel her naked breasts pressed against his back.

“You wined and dined me, then walked me to my apartment, what did you think would happen?”

“To be fair, no wine was involved.”

“I’m glad we were both sober, I want to remember every …” Carys kissed him between words beginning with his neck and moving south, “… single … minute of this.” Her auburn hair tumbled to her shoulders as she pulled him back into the bed and straddled him.

“You’re so sexy.” Haze whispered as his eyes caressed her naked body.

“Why don’t you show me how sexy you think I am?” She raised her eyebrow as if to dare him.

Haze flipped her over and wriggled out of his pants.

Hand drawing The Artist

One hour later, Haze stood at Adriana’s hospital bed, she was sound asleep. Everything in him wanted to tell her that he still loved her. Everything in him wanted to cuddle up next to her and feel her warm skin, touch her silky hair and kiss her sweet lips.  Haze knew their relationship made no sense; she was underage and wouldn’t be legal for a couple of years; their love was doomed from the beginning.

Goodbye, my love. Haze said his mental goodbye and headed to the door.

“Wait,” Adriana’s voice was barely a whisper, but it was enough to stop him.

“Blue?” Haze’s heart bounced in his chest and he turned around quickly.

“Who are you?” She straightened herself.

Disappointment consumed him but he tried not to show it. A huge part of him wanted this nightmare to be over, he wanted her to remember their love, he wanted her to say his name and look at him the way she used to. To take him in her arms and tell him that she loved him, his heart longed to hear those words from her lips again.

“I … um … I work for your family.” He swallowed hard.

“What do you do for them?” She adjusted the bed to sit up and Haze searched her eyes for hope.

“I’m the handyman.”

“You’re a little young to be a handyman. How old are you?”

“Twenty-two,” Haze half-smiled, he loved her boldness. “I’m in my final year of college.” He felt like he had to explain, to impress her somehow.

“What are you studying?”

“Art and music.”

“You’re an artist?”

“I paint and draw.”

“What do you draw?”

Haze thought about it for a moment. She was his favorite subject, a fact that he kept to himself, “People I love,” he answered.

Their eyes locked, “are we friends?” she asked.

“I told you, I work for your parents.” Haze looked at his phone to avoid the needles her eye-contact sent to his heart.

“That doesn’t mean we can’t be friends. Why else would you be here?”

She was right, and in that moment, he knew that being there was a mistake, yet part of him needed to be in the same room with her. He was counting on slipping in and out before she woke. Now he felt like a fool.

“Please don’t lie to me, I feel like everybody’s lying to me.” Her voice was soft.

Haze wanted to tell her the truth, but was told that the truth might do more harm than good. He hated lying to her and was never good at it.

“I’m friends with Zax.” Haze saw the disappointment and confusion in her eyes. “Your brother,” he clarified.

“What’s your name?”

“Haze… I shouldn’t have come.”

“Why did you?”

He didn’t answer, he had no answers.

“You were sneaking out before I woke up.”

“I didn’t want to wake you. You should get some rest.”

“I’m tired resting. Will you stay awhile?”

Haze hesitated, “I’m sorry, I have to go.”

“Why is there a man outside my door? Is someone trying to hurt me?”

“What man?” Haze looked towards the door.

“To the right, he sits there, I only see him when the door is open.”

Haze didn’t recall seeing anyone on the way in, “maybe he’s with the person in the other room.”

“Can you go see if he’s there?”

Haze could tell that she was troubled and did as she asked. She was right, there was a man sitting outside the door.

Haze closed the door and addressed the man who stood up the minute he saw him.

“Can I help you?”

“You’re not supposed to be in there, family only.” The man replied, seriously.

“Who are you?” Haze demanded.

“I was hired. Who are you?” The man shot back with attitude.

“Who hired you and why?”

“You need to leave.”

“Is she in danger?” Haze tried to control his anger. “Answer me!” He spotted Adrian in the hallway and rushed to him. “Adrian!”

“I need a new name.” Adrian rolled his eyes.

“Why is there a guard outside Adriana’s door?”

“It’s Doctor Banovic to you, and that is none of your business.”

“If she’s in danger it’s my business, Dr. Banovic.” Haze stood his ground.

“Remind me again … who are you?”


“Oh, that’s right, the stable boy.” Adrian grinned evilly. “Look kid, you’re obviously not as smart as you look, so get lost, before I inject you with something lethal.”

Haze was furious. He didn’t know Adrian very well but knew that he would not any answers from the arrogant doctor.

“What is he doing here?” Adrian questioned the guard.

“I had to pee.”

“I’m not paying you to pee, hold it, next time.”

“Why? Adrian?” Haze pushed against his better judgment.

“You’re still here?” With the nod of Adrian’s head, the guard roughly grabbed Haze’s arm to escort him away.

“Alright!” Haze yanked his arm away and stormed off. The moment he got out of the elevator he called Zax.

Hand drawing The Artist

Look for Episode 6 on August 24. Missed Episode 1? Read it now.

Look below to find previous episodes.

In the meantime, learn more about The Family Portrait series. Or get the box set which contains books 1 through 5.

Copyright ©2018 Gillian Felix. All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the author, except as provided by United States of America copyright law. For permission requests, email the author Gillianfelix23{AT}Gmail.com

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