Fun With Food – Thanksgiving Edition

I saw these this morning and remembered I hadn’t done a post like this in a long time. I miss doing these, here are some fun creative things you can do with food for Thanksgiving. Please feel free to share your creative food ideas or send me pictures of your creation and I’d be happy to share!

I love how simple this is. All it takes is just a little imagination and wah la!

Turkey made of rice Krispies


Can you believe these are dinner rolls?! I can just taste it! Slightly crispy and flaky on the outside  bet it melts in your mouth.  Visit for the recipe.

Thanksgiving pumpkin dinner rolls


How much fun are these? I’m guessing Keebler cookies for the brim.

Pilgrim hat cookies


No pumpkins were harmed in the making of the following.

Pumpkin first settlers


So now we’re back to cookies. Check out Clumsycrafter for the recipe. Her kids are so cute making them.

Indian corn cookies


More cookies… I’m sensing a trend here. Why did I gravitate to cookie pictures?

Pilgrim cookies


Oh great no more cookies. Chocolate!!! Another amazing use of Hershey’s Kisses.

Acorn chocolate design


Now that I’m feeling snackish and wishing these wonderful moms would invite me over for Thanksgiving, I’m going to get back to work on the next post. Hope you all enjoyed. If you want to share your Thanksgiving or holiday food designs or your website. Email me at gi*****@pl*********.com I’ll be happy to share.


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2 thoughts on “Fun With Food – Thanksgiving Edition

    1. Oh how great these are yours! Do you want to do a guest post sharing your recipe? People have been loving them! Thanks for contacting me.

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