5 Ways to Find Inspiration with Dr. Tanya Beaubrun

Five Ways to Find Inspiration with Dr. Tanya Beaubrun

How does a Physician find inspiration in her daily life?

Bubbles + BuddhaA life that can often challenge my views on life and love.

Over the years, I’ve had to find creative ways to cope, ways of finding deeper meaning and a greater acceptance of what I’ve been called to do.

I now know, that I’m a Healer at heart and that there are many ways to administer healing. One of these being using my words to heal the World.

I’ve found that once I meet the basic guidelines discussed below, my life seems to flow better and my creativity improves. I am healthier, happier and feel more in tuned to the flow of Life. In short I am filled with Body Joy™

  • Nourish my body with clean wholesome food and adequate water. I practice the 80/20 rule – Eating clean 80% of the time, focusing on a plant-based diet and using meat more as a garnish than as a major part of my meals. I enjoy my meals and allow small indulgences as part of my 20%. I’ve never passed up on an offering of cheesecake, but I enjoy a small portion, savoring each mouthful.
  • Exercise is a non-negotiable. I try to exercise daily, varying my routine but always ensuring that my heart, muscles and core all get in on the action. Some of my best ideas have come to me during my exercise sessions. Nothing seems to bolster my creativity like a good sweat session.
  • Nourish my mind with adequate sleep. Once I get to working on a project, I can sometimes go on and on and lose track of time. Time seems to fly by once I’m in the “zone”, and sleep can get put on the backburner. I’ve now learned that my body and my mind function much better with good restorative sleep. I practice good sleep hygiene by trying to get at least 6 hours every night and keeping my bedtime as consistent as I can. When I am well rested, it’s so much easier to get into a creative zone.
  • Spend time in solitude and in nature. There is nothing like a sunset or walk along to beach to rev up my creative juices. There have been moments when I feel stuck or when there’s something weighing on my mind, and after a few hours alone in nature, breathing in fresh air, listening to the waves crash along the shore, new ideas and solutions come bubbling up. I never regret making time to connect with yourself and nature.
  • Nourish my spirit by connecting deeply with God. I could not do this work without relying on my faith. Faith that I am being guided by a Higher Power and that everything is working out exactly as it’s supposed to. I make time each day to pray and ask God to help and guide me in this work He has chosen for me to do.

Meet Dr. Tanya Beaubrun

Author TanyaAs the creator of the Body Joy Process, Dr. Tanya Beaubrun empowers people with her simple, yet powerful message: Take exquisite care of yourself, respect the choices you make, and tune into healing from the inside out. Tanya’s passionate about bringing the heart and soul back into the practice of Medicine.

A Family Physician specializing in Functional and Integrative Medicine, as well as a certified Wellness & Lifestyle Empowerment Coach, Motivational Speaker and Author, she has dedicated her career to helping people feel their best in their bodies so they can live happy and healthy lives and rediscover their Body Joy.

A graduate of the University of the West Indies, she has spent most of her career in Private Practice, and advocates a holistic approach to well-being, incorporating mind, body, spirit practices so people can connect more deeply to themselves and their truth.

She holds a Degree in Alternative Medicine and is Board Certified in Functional, Anti-Aging, and Regenerative Medicine. She is a certified Reiki Master and has obtained an Integrative Health Coaching Certification from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), as well as a certification under Gabrielle Bernstein’s Levels 1 and 2 Spirit Junkie Master Class.

Tanya has been featured in The Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Lissa Rankin’s Owning Pink website, as well as several popular podcasts, including EOFire with John Lee Dumas.

As an author, she’s contributed to the Amazon bestselling books, 365 Moments of Grace and 365 Life Shifts.  With her unique blend of Western medicine, Lifestyle coaching, and Integrative health, she’s distinguished herself as a Women’s Wellness Warrior; with a dream of starting a movement geared towards empowering women to lead full, vibrant and authentic lives.

Despite all this, she feels her most important role has been as a wife and mother of 3.

Connect with Tanya on Facebook | Website

About the Book Tanya Bubbles

Author Tanya Destang-Beaubrun has always known that her calling was to heal, nurture, and care for her fellow human beings; it has always been a deep, unwavering conviction at her core. And so, she became a family physician who put patients first, treating their bodies, minds, and spirits.

In Of Bubbles, Buddha, and Butterflies, Dr. Destang-Beaubrun chronicles the changes that have occurred in her life since she decided to follow her heart and pursue her dreams.

She presents a series of essays and narratives written during the four-year period after she left her thriving Western medical practice and immersed herself in the study of integrative and functional medicine.

Destang-Beaubrun recalls her breakdowns, breakthroughs, fears, and faith as she navigated her way to a new way of living, learning, and loving. This collection of personal essays on bravery, trust, and faith shares one woman’s insights and life lessons as she shifted from traditional medical practice to something more.

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