Tag: Scifi romance
Overlord by AK Nevermore
Power comes with a price. Overlord by AK Nevermore is now featured, plus enter to win a free book and gift card.
AK Nevermore Presents Split
The Source is hunting Talents… but Kara Jester is no distressed damsel… Split by AK Nevermore
Heather McKenzie Presents, Atomica
Heather McKenzie is a Canadian, born and raised in Alberta. Her new novel Atomica is now featured plus enter to win an Amazon gift card.
AK Nevermore Presents, Breaker
Breaker The Price of Talent Book 1 by AK Nevermore Genre: Spicy Dystopian SciFi Romance On an…
Lina Hart Presents Beyond Power
Lina Hart fell in love with reading while growing up in Orange County, California, which ultimately led her to achieve a B.A. in Linguistics.
Saving Christ by Francis T Perry Williams
Saving Christ is a love story between Jesus and a modern-day woman sent back in time. Genre: Historical SciFi Time Travel Romance
Gail Koger Presents, Forever Askole
Forever Askole Coletti Warlords Book 16 by Gail Koger Genre: Humorous SciFi Romance Adventure Synopsis My name is Ella…
Gail Koger Presents, Stealing Jia
Stealing Jia Coletti Warlord Series Book 13 by Gail Koger Genre: SciFi Romance, Humor Synopsis Jia grew…
The making of Time Travel with Roxanne San Jose
The making of Time Travel, a chat with Roxanne San Jose It took me two years to…
Lost and Found by Breanna Hayse
Lost and Found by Breanna Hayse Genre: SciFi Romance Synopsis Lance Callahan, MD, is known to his…