T. R. Cupak – Writer’s Journey

Today’s guest post come from T. R. Cupak, author of Alexa Loved.

T R Cupak Since I am still getting my feet wet with writing and everything else that goes with publishing a book I’m still trying to figure out the actual perks. For a self-published Indie author such as myself, one of the perks that I am enjoying is that I set my own deadlines. I don’t have someone barking at me to hurry up and finish a project.

When a writer is rushed you will only get subpar creativity from them, which in turn disappoints the fans. We rely on you to fall in love with our stories that we write and I am thankful that I don’t have to worry about publisher deadlines, just my own. Which, by the way, the fans are my most favorite perk to writing.

I have been accepted as an author and that is a great feeling. Also, the people I have met (readers, bloggers and fellow authors) during this first year of my journey have been absolutely remarkable. I have made some amazing friends and a few that I can even call extended family.

A perk that I have yet to enjoy but will soon, is traveling for my writing. A lot of authors that I admire have traveled the world for research and book signings. I cannot wait to join that crowd. This year I will get my feet wet with my first signing in Mississippi, at Booking in Biloxi.

I’m still holding my breath and keeping my fingers crossed that an opening will become available for the San Francisco Golden Gate Author Event (even though it’s in my backyard) in June but my last stop for the year will be Nashville for the Authors at the Opry. I will be attending Love N Vegas as a fan but hey, it’s Vegas, a bunch of fabulous authors and it’s VEGAS!

I am an avid reader as well, so meeting authors I have read or finding new ones to read goes hand in hand with the traveling perk. And yes, I may actually fangirl and embarrass myself but we are all there for the same reason. We LOVE books.

Lastly, a very personal perk to being a writer is that it’s my escape from my every day chaos. I find salvation in writing someone else’s story for others to read. It fills me with a sense of accomplishment and when people actually get attached to my words and characters I just can’t help but to happy dance with giddy excitement.

Thank you to my fans and to those who will become my fans. You make writing worth all the craziness that comes with it.

Alexa Loved Banner

Title: Alexa Loved (Alexa #2) by T.R. Cupak
Publication date: October 6th 2015
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult,Romance

Synopsis: Alexa Loved cover

After her parents died during her senior year of high school, Alexa Morgan is completely alone in the world—except for her best-friend-turned-boyfriend Devin, identical twins Becca and Jessa, and Sebastian, a mysterious associate of her father’s.

Upon graduation, Alexa wants nothing more than to move on with her life, go to college, and forget all the hard and hurtful things from her tragic past. But when her first love, Ethan, shows up at her graduation—it kicks off a whirlwind of events that threatens the good and stable things she’s worked so hard to achieve.

Ethan and Alexa shared one night of passion before he disappeared, leaving her bewildered and confused. But now he’s back, declaring that he loves her and that the only reason he left was to protect her from his malicious stepmother, Olivia.

In her heart, Alexa knows she loves Devin, but her attraction to Ethan is so strong she can’t help but be drawn in by their shared chemistry. Meanwhile, the threat of Olivia lurks around the edges, casting a menacing shadow over everything and everyone Alexa loves.

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About T. R. Cupak

Photo T.R, CupakT. R. Cupak was born and raised in the California Bay Area. She now lives in a quiet town south of where she grew up with her husband and their shih tzu Harley. She is obsessed with cars, especially fast ones, and enjoys her music louder than anyone should. When she’s not at work or busy writing, you can find her curled up, reading and enjoying a fabulous glass of wine or a Dirty Shirley.

Despite her lifelong love of literature, Cupak lost touch with her creative side in her early twenties. Her passion for reading was rekindled six years ago, however, and in 2013 she started journaling. This practice helped Cupak hone her creative aspirations, and soon she saw her characters come to life. She has rediscovered her passion for storytelling and wants to share her words with everyone who wants to read them.

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