Stealing Time Book Promo

Stealing Time book cover
Cover courtesy Backcover Promotions

Title: Stealing Time
Series: Waiting For Dusk #3
Author: Nancy Pennick
Genre: Young Adult
Publisher: Ice & Fire
Formats Available In: Kindle, Nook and Print
Release Date: 24th February 2014


Drew from the past…

Kate from the present…

Two worlds collided.

As senior year comes to a close, a promise of new beginnings is on the horizon. Kate longs to head to Arizona and college until her former friend, Tyson, does the unimaginable forcing her to stay in Ohio. Her family has to pull together to keep their secrets safe. Anna wishes to return to the canyon in 1927 once more and Kate’s determined to make that a reality. Summer’s filled with wonderful memories and little warning of things to come. Kate’s world grows darker and she must be the one to conquer the demons and save the world that is most precious to her.

Purchase Stealing Time on Amazon UK | Amazon USA | Fire and Ice | Smashwords

Ten things you didn’t know about Nancy Pennick’s books.

10. Even though Kate is waiting for dusk…the books were never about vampires.

9. My dad will show up in my books in some way, some form of Gilbert William.

8. Butterflies are not just part of Katie’s room décor. They have special meaning.

7. My mother was Swedish and we grew up with cinnamon bread, coffee and kyssas. (Kisses)

6. Tyson started out as a second love interest for Katie but insisted on being the bad boy instead.

5. Sometimes the characters take control and I have to give in to their wishes. Can anyone say Tyson?

4.  Erin was supposed to be a minor character, just a girl who would keep urging Katie to try out for cheerleading in Waiting for Dusk. She had other ideas for her role in the book.

3. Someone will always have a shade of red hair in my novels.

2. Jack’s past comes back to haunt him in Book 2, Call of the Canyon. (Jack is Kate’s Dad.)

1. Always intended for Katie to be called Kate. Finding Drew completed her. They come full circle in Stealing Time.

About the Author

Nancy Pennick, Author
Nancy Pennick, Author

After a great career in teaching, Nancy found a second calling as a writer. Ohio is her home but she loves to travel the U.S. Her debut young adult novel, Waiting for Dusk, was a surprise to her as much as it was to her family. Watching a PBS series on National Parks, her mind wandered to another place and that is where the characters of Katie and Andrew were born. Call of the Canyon and Stealing Time continue their story. The Swedish influences found in the books came from her mother whose parents emigrated from Sweden.

Nancy currently resides in Mentor, Ohio with her husband and their college-age son.

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