Meet Nina Bishop + Parker Drayton of Spiral

Get to know two characters from the novel Spiral (The Salzburg Saga Book One) by D.U. Okonkwo

Nina Bishop

Age: 34

Profession:  Solicitor specializing in the leisure industry. Partner in own law firm called Akra, Bishop and Varly.

Family:  Three great younger siblings in Sebastian, Alistair and Hazel.

Likes: Solving difficult legal obstacles for my clients, reading, travelling – and getting to my destination unlike what happened on this trip. I’m desperate to visit Cuba – I really hope I get the chance to do that.

Dislikes: People who don’t follow through on things (Yes, Alex, unfortunately I’m looking at you) Hugh Drayton for obvious reasons. Porridge, creepy crawlies.

Current situation: Trying to survive in a frigidly cold and inhospitable mountainous region of Austria without any food, phone signal or shelter.

Plans for the future: To get out of this place in one piece and seriously reconsider who to travel with in future. But I just can’t see past the situation I’m in right now.

Most proud of:  Our law practice

Biggest regret: I don’t like to remember regrets.

Favorite food: I can’t think about food right now

Parker Drayton

Age:  63

Profession: Hotelier

Family: My two sons, Justin and Hugh

Likes: Negotiating business deals. Time spent with my sons…when they’ll let me. Peace.

Dislikes: Arguments with my sons. Confrontations. Guilt. Unfinished business

Current situation: Ask Hugh

Plans for the future: Mend the broken relationships that I have and see that Hugh gets the help he needs

Most Proud of: Establishing Drayton Hotels

Biggest regret: Marie and Euan

Favorite food: Sea bass

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Title: Spiral (The Salzburg Saga Book One)

Author: D.U. Okonkwo

Genre: Literary / Adventure


Spiral book cover

Left to raise her three younger siblings at the tender age of seventeen, Nina Bishop is accustomed to solving problems. Now that she and two friends run their own law firm, she gets paid for solving other people’s problems. And as a businesswoman, she can always smell a great opportunity. So when her biggest client, Parker Drayton, organizes a networking ski trip to Salzburg, Austria, she is the first to board the plane. There’s only one drawback: Parker is bringing along his two notoriously difficult, grown-up sons, Justin and Hugh.

Even before take-off the tension between Parker and his sons is palpable. But when Hugh causes their small jet to crash, plunging them all into unforgiving back country, the networking trip goes from tension-filled journey to living nightmare.

Click here to read an excerpt.

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About the Author

Author of SpiralD.U. (Davina Uchenna) Okonkwo is the author of the novel, RISE, and the Salzburg Saga. She was born and raised in London, United Kingdom. An avid reader from a young age, she cites her favourite childhood books as Tiger Eyes by Judy Blume, Hacker by Marjorie Blackman, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis, and The Twits by Roald Dahl.

Davina began to write her own stories at age ten and would give them to her schoolteachers to read. Not limiting herself to any one genre, she wrote stories about children’s fiction, romances, and mysteries. She fondly remembers enjoying her mock GCSE English exam at age 15 because she was required to write a story:  “I wrote about a teenage girl who finds out that her boyfriend is cheating on her,” she recalls. “I remember my teacher giving me an A grade and writing at the end of the paper, ‘What a creep!’

She didn’t think about writing again for several years and instead pursued higher education and graduated with honours in European Business with Spanish from the University of Salford. The course had included an ERASMUS placement in La Universidad de Salamanca, Spain.

It was when, upon graduating and working full time, that the idea of writing once again occurred to her. While in a bookstore she suddenly had the thought, ‘I wonder what it would be like to write a book one day.” She says that as soon as she had the thought, a powerful jolt seemed to go through her, actually pushing her back a step. Dismissing the strange sensation, she left the bookstore but it was later that very same day that the idea for RISE surfaced.

She wrote and revised RISE around her full time day job. While she did so, digital changes began shaking up the publishing industry. It was seeing how these digital changes were empowering authors that made Davina decide to publish RISE independently. In the summer of 2014 she launched her own publishing company, A Few Words Press Limited. RISE was the first book published under AFWP in January 2015.

In her spare time she enjoys salsa dancing, spa breaks, swimming and watching tennis.

Connect with Davina on her website.

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