Spiced Coffee Recipe

My family are not big coffee drinkers. In fact in my immediate family NO BODY drinks coffee. That said, I’ve always loved the smell and envied coffee drinkers. I don’t have to stomach for it though, I used to get debilitating cramps. So for years I resolved to just enjoying the smell.

Recently a friend of mine introduced me to South Indian coffee. It is made with coffee (of course) plus a lot of good belly spices and a bit of milk. I took a sip, and loved it, so we sipped until it was done and waited for cramps to kick in but it never did! Woot Woot!

The next time he made it, I got my own cup and it was fantastic! Sans cramps.

I wanted to replicate it at home so I experimented… now it is part of my breakfast repertoire. Here’s the recipe, if you try it and like it, I’d love to hear from you.

Ingredients for Spiced coffee

  1. Semi-sweet chocolate.
  2. Instant coffee
  3. Powdered ginger
  4. Cardamom
  5. Pumpkin spice
  6. Cinnamon
  7. French Vanilla
  8. Milk
  9. ( 1 or 1/2-cup) Water

Instant coffee and chocolate

Instant Coffee: I like the packages because the amount is just right, I use half pack and 1/2 cup of water. I also don’t have a coffee machine and don’t plan to invest in one anytime soon.

South Indian coffee uses a lot of sugar. I try to limit my sugar intake so I use semi-sweet chocolate. From chocolate you get natural anti-oxidants plus more.

Cardamom cinnamon powdered ginger

You can use the sticks of cinnamon, but I used what I had in my pantry. All the spices above helps with digestion and adds tons of flavor. Simmer these ingredients and take a moment to smell the aroma!

whole milk and french vanilla

Add as much or little milk as you like. I eyeball it until it is a nice brown color. Whole milk adds a rich body to the mixture. When you whisk it, it becomes nice and frothy.

Spiced coffee in a pot

When you add the milk it will change the temperature of the mixture, so bring it back to a simmer.

cup with spiced coffee

Sometimes I add Turmeric and Coriander to the mix. Experiment with different spices, you never know what might work and what might send you to the bathroom.

Are you sick of veggies spoiling before you’ve had a to use them, or wish they would last longer? Here are a few tips.

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