Balancing Social Media and Writing

I’d like to welcome Megan Frampton, author of The Duke’s Guide to Correct Behavior. Read on as Megan talks about how she balances social media and still finds the time to write. Listen up because you know if you let it, social media would take over your life (mine too BTW).

Author Megan FramptonThanks for having me today! I very much appreciate the chance to talk about balancing social media and writing in today’s very transparent world.

Being an author is no longer a solitary endeavor—the coffee-fueled writer sitting in front of the keyboard, frowning as the words pour onto the screen (or don’t, inspiration depending). Emerging from the house to blink at that odd shiny thing in the sky.

That still happens, of course, since writers write their own material, but now there’s the added companionship of social media, which can be many things to people—a timesuck, a welcome respite, a valuable marketing outlet, a shared community, a procrastination device.

I am on Twitter, and have been for a long time. I love Twitter, and the friends and interactions I’ve had there, but I recognize that sometimes heading into a virtual cocktail party means I’m just avoiding the real work.

So how do you balance the need (since it is a need, most publishers will tell you, if you didn’t know already, that having a social media presence is important in today’s marketing world) to be out there as well as being in here with your keyboard?

For me, I view Twitter as a diversion, not a constant companion. Yes, I am on Twitter often, but not while I am writing. When I am writing, that is all I am doing. I have a timer, one that looks like a ladybug, and I twist her little tail to a reasonable amount of time and then don’t allow myself to do anything but stare at that page for that duration. When the ladybug buzzes, then I go check email, check Twitter, and check Facebook. Because, you know, something OMG *Important* might’ve happened during that half hour.

*Spoiler: It usually hasn’t.

My personality on Twitter is much the same as it is in real life minus, I hope, the super-dull stuff, like how I need more coffee or I have a run in my tights. I don’t tweet anything that couldn’t be responded to, and I don’t tweet when I don’t have time to respond. Some authors are able to just throw things out there, and have them be interesting without interaction, but that’s not me. I am an incredibly introverted but sociable person, so Twitter is great for me.

I see Facebook as more of an announcement place—the place to let people know when there’s a new review, or a book release, or something more of import than my latest squee about a British actor or an annoyance on the subway. I like Facebook, but it’s more formal to me than Twitter—kind of like that slightly disapproving relative you want approval from, but know you can’t push too hard or she will sniff and walk away.

Balancing it all is the question, of course, and it’s definitely hard sometimes to remember that the writing is the most important piece. My grandmother used to tell me (after I’d complained on April 15), “You don’t pay taxes on money you don’t earn,” and I channel that into, “You don’t get to have a social media presence with a community if you don’t write books in the first place,” so I try to keep that in mind.

As most pieces of advice go, mine isn’t the best—what works for me might not work for you. But I think the universal advice would be, “Don’t force it. Do what feels right, and don’t feel guilty about what you do, unless you’re not writing the books. Then go write the books and stop feeling guilty.”

Book cover for the Duke's GuideThe Duke’s Guide to Correct Behavior (Dukes Behaving Badly # 1) by Megan Frampton

Releasing November 25th, 2014


All of London knows the Duke of Rutherford has position and wealth. They also whisper that he’s dissolute, devilish, and determinedly unwed. So why, everyone is asking, has he hired a governess?

When Miss Lily Russell crosses the threshold of the Duke of Rutherford’s stylish townhouse, she knows she has come face to face with sensual danger. For this is no doting papa. Rather, his behavior is scandalous, and his reputation rightly earned. And his pursuit of her is nearly irresistible—but resist she must for the sake of her pupil.

As for the duke himself, it was bad enough when his unknown child landed on his doorstep. Now Lily, with her unassuming beauty, has aroused his most wicked fantasies—and, shockingly, his desire to change his wanton ways. He’s determined to become worthy of her, and so he asks for her help in correcting his behavior.

But Lily has a secret, one that, if it becomes known, could change everything . . .

Add The Duke’s Guide to Correct Behavior to your Goodreads shelf.

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About the Author

Author Megan Frampton

Megan Frampton writes historical romance under her own name and romantic women’s fiction as Megan Caldwell. She likes the color black, gin, dark-haired British men, and huge earrings, not in that order. She lives in Brooklyn, NY, with her husband and son.

Connect with Megan: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

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3 thoughts on “Balancing Social Media and Writing

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to this blog and Megan! I’m so excited to have a book like this for my holiday reading. I always make “me” time for my reading and relaxation. 🙂 Black Friday is spent at home reading. And I especially like stories about bad boy lords and the ladies who change them. 🙂 Thanks for the post. jd*****@gm***.com

    1. Same to you. Wishing you and your family many wonderful memories together. Thanks for reading.


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