Book talking with Skye Leah Collett
How do you as an author spend your day?
Oh god, I’m certain no authors spend their days like me. I took a redundancy from work over a year ago so pretty much have no other obligations except looking after my kid and writing. I’ve probably written less in the last year than I have in the last two years, but self-promo takes up a lot of time too, so I have been working on that, but I wish every day I was more disciplined and efficient, it’s just not who I am though… ha ha ha what ya gonna do? Sigh.
How to find time to write as a parent?
I have the most amazing kid, he’s an only child and mature beyond his years and incredibly self-sufficient so he never makes writing more challenging if anything he makes it easier.
What made you want to become an author and do you feel it was the right decision?
I used to write scripts when I was a teenager and make my friends act them out. I’ve wanted to be a writer since before then, I never finished a novel though until Single Rider and that was when I finally believed I could do it and now that’s the only thing I want to do.
Describe your writing style.
I am the biggest procrastinator in the world! I have massive bursts of energy that are completely unpredictable and can feel inspired by myself, something I’ve seen or heard or read, too much caffeine or sometimes even nothing at all. I’m incredibly undisciplined. I’m really dragging my feet with Britta and have bailed on it a few times, and I adore the story I just get bored easily…. I need like a manager who watches over me and forces me to write on a schedule then I’d be more productive.
What book do you think everyone should read?
The Shining – Stephen King, scared the absolute crap out of me. Honestly, I always say I have a top 20 of books and if you made me sit down and write them out that 20 would turn to 50 to 100 and so on… I have too many favorites.
If you were given the opportunity to rule, what kind of world ruler would you be?
God, I’d like to think I’d be good and fair, but power scares me, I think it corrupts even the best people easily. I don’t think there’s enough money in the world to convince me to take on a role like that, such a huge significant responsibility and so many lives in your hands. Scares the hell out of me.
What advice do you have for new authors?
Believe in yourself and try where possible to write for you, there’s this awesome JK Rowling quote that I think of everytime I wonder if my stories are good enough for people to read –
Even if it isn’t a piece of work that finds an audience it will teach you things you could have learned no other way.”
And in Dory’s words – “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming” ha ha ha ha believe it or not that pops into my head way more than it should!
What’s next for you?
Most recently I was fortunate to participate in an anthology of short stories produced by Mcgrath House titled Limitless. Its available on Amazon in ebook and paperback and all proceeds going to the *AMAR Foundation. And at this moment I am plodding along trying to finalize my second book – Britta from a small town.
I am categorizing it as a murder mystery themed novel, with a bit of comedy thrown in. I’m also fleshing out my third book The Hand Me Down which has some paranormal themes including a talking cat but I’ve made myself a deal to ignore that one till Britta has been finished. I generally find writing characters and plots from different books at the same time only messes with my head
*AMAR Foundation – an award-winning charity that works in the Middle East to help millions rebuild their lives in countries scarred by war. For 25 years AMAR has provided a package of healthcare, emergency relief, and education, to help improve the lives of some of the world’s most disadvantaged people.
About Skye Leah Collett (The one in the hat!) 
First-time author of Single Rider, Skye Leah Collett, refuses to concede that her debut novel is in any way Autobiographical.
Her ex-husband doesn’t buy it.
He won’t shut up about the similarities between himself and the vibrantly likable supporting character Dash. Unrelenting in his conviction that the imagined fellows’ resemblance is as unsubtle as the nose on his handsome face, he’s adamantly staked a claim in sharing any perceived future celebrity entitlements. He is also one of this author’s biggest fans.
Sydney born, but a devoted Brisbane girl for almost three decades, Skye’s stories centre on the lives and relationships of individuals living in modern suburban Australia. Their friendships, their increasingly overbearing families and of course their lovers.
Her father’s dedication to waffling, unapologetically long-winded stories is a treasured family trait passed on through generations and Skye’s rich, colorful characters are painstakingly crafted to become people you wished you knew and become reluctant to farewell.
Skye spends an unseemly indulgent amount of time-pinching herself as a reminder that she is indeed awake and very much a person who finished writing a novel.
She’d adore hearing from anyone who feels inclined to make the effort or just wants to say hey.
Skye Leah Collett can be reached anytime via her many varied social media locations!
Connect with Skye on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amazon | Goodreads
About the Book
Single Rider by Skye Leah Collett
Genre: Contemporary Women’s Fiction
This is a story about a woman named Kenzie. A woman who knows what she wants and likes things just the way they are, thank you very much.
This is also a story about a man named Max. Max can be a real pain in the ass.
And finally, this is a story about Dash, ex-husband extraordinaire, who likes to get down to the Scissor Sisters and parties a little too much.
And Katie, the best friend who parties far too much and can expertly defend herself against sexual harassment accusations.
And Claudia, sister, mother, and head of the school parent’s association, long time tea drinker. The chalk to Kenzie’s cheese.
And Michael, the one that got away.
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