After being burned by 2 blog tour companies, I decided to continue putting together blog tours for my own books (my results had been much better than theirs). As any active indie author will tell you that the more books you have available, the busier you get.
With the release of Family Portrait Book 6 racing towards me (I’m hoping for a summer release), every bit of my time is being directed towards completing the second draft. I knew I needed promotion for Bad Uncle (Family Portrait Book 5) but time has been dodging me.
As if sent from the heavens, I got an email out-of-the-blue from Silver Dagger Tours promising to get my book featured on 30 blogs. I normally delete emails with a headline promising things like that because they usually cost more than I am willing to spend. For some reason, I opened this email and liked the way it was presented. I did my homework but the skeptic in me had my doubts. The payment was pay-what-you-want or a tips system when the tour starts/ends. I figured I had nothing to lose so I signed up. I also signed up to host with them. I’ve found that the best way to get to know a blog tour company is to host with them.
I have to say I am very pleased from the blogger and author’s point of view.
The materials arrived in my inbox on time, all the information that is supposed to be in the media kit (purchase links, author links, bios, synopsis) was there, the graphics were also properly sized. It was very well organized. I couldn’t have done it better myself.
The Tour
The tour had me nervous (I usually am when I hand over one of my babies). I am very impressed with the number of bloggers that committed to the tour. I opted for reviews, promos and a guest post. See for yourself, below are the links for you to follow the tour.
Would I recommend Silver Dagger Tours? Yes. I will also work with them on the next launch and other previously released books. Check them out here.

Follow the blog tour for Bad Uncle (Family Portrait Book 6) brought to you by Silver Dagger Tours.
apr 3- kickoff at The Silver Dagger Scriptorium
apr 3- Random Thoughts From a Tech Nerd
apr 3 – The Book Town
apr 3- Queen of All She Reads – GUEST POST
apr 4- A Mama’s Corner of the World
apr 4- Triquetra Reviews
apr 4- Jazzy Book Reviews
apr 4- Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin’
apr 5- SnoopyDoo’s Book Reviews
apr 5- The Avid Reader
apr 5- Lisa-Queen of Random
apr 5- Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer
apr 5- Mommabears Book Blog
apr 6- Bound 2 Escape
apr 6- Mello & June
apr 6- Rainne’s Ramblings
apr 7- The Bookworm Lodge
apr 7- Julayn Adams Books and Reviews
apr 7- CGB Blog Tours
apr 10- CelticLady’s Reviews – GUEST POST
apr 10- The Authors Blog
apr 10-
apr 11- Laurie’s Thoughts and Reviews
apr 11- Books Dreams Life
apr 11- The Reading Spot
apr 12- Turning Another Page
apr 12- Yah gotta read this
apr 12- Tales of A Wanna-Be SuperHero Mom
apr 12- Traci Hayden
apr 13- Sapphyria’s Book Reviews
apr 13- The Blackwood Blog
apr 13- Sour Puss Reviews
apr 14- Angels With Attitudes Book Reviews – GUEST POST
apr 14- The Bookworm Chronicles
apr 14- Lucky 13 Book Reviews and News
apr 17- Teatime and Books
apr 17- Shh, I Am Reading
apr 17- Book Love -REVIEW