Alison Mello Talks Shattered Souls

Shattered Souls iconWhat inspired you to write Shattered Souls?

This book is so special to me. I wrote this book not only because I’m former military myself but with all the military romance books I’ve written it’s always the male character that serves. There are so many women out there serving our country with pride and doing an amazing job at it. I felt it was time they get the credit they deserve. Shattered Souls is book one in the To Love and Serve series. I’m working on releasing book two later this year so stay tuned for more on that.

Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in Shattered Souls?

Lexi is a medically discharged combat medic. She comes home after discharge and plays it cool trying to lead everyone to believe she’s okay and that she’s just letting loose a little but in reality she’s struggling big time.

Keegan is a Boston cop who totally understands what she’s going through because he’s been injured himself and lost his partner in the line of duty.

They both have difficult pasts that they need to move on from. They find healthy coping mechanisms and when they do their chemistry only intensifies. This book has all the feels, it’ll make you laugh, cry and wish you had Keegan in your bed with you.

How do you find time to write as a parent?

I am an incredibly blessed author. My husband works a job that has allowed me to be a stay at home mom for the last six years. That said my son is now in school full time and so I work during the day while they are out of the house and I work my takeovers and my evening schedule around my son, but that’s not always easy considering he is [has] Tae Kwon Do three to four nights a week. LOL.

What are you passionate about these days?

I’m very passionate about supporting our veterans. My husband served his country for twenty-nine years. I feel there is not one person in any branch of service who doesn’t suffer from one thing or another after that many years in.

I’ve done an auction to benefit veterans over the last two years. My auctions now go to benefit VetSports and throughout the year I give all the proceeds from my apparel sales at to that organization. Last year we raised over [$]4000.00 for the organization. If you’d like to learn more join

What is your favorite genre?

I love to read. I read a lot of romance genres including Military, romantic suspense, romcom, M/M, Menage. Almost anything except paranormal and really dark stuff.

Do you see writing as a career?

Absolutely, I work at least five days a week during the day. I’m always either posting, writing, editing. You name it, if it has to do with the book world I’m doing it.

Do you prefer to write in silence or with noise? 

I used to prefer quiet, but that all changed when I moved to Florida. I’m staying with my parents while we get settled and they’re retired so the only way I can focus is with headphones. I think this will forever be a part of my day now.

What does a typical day look like for you?

My day usually consists of a variety of things. I will start with coffee and some headphones. I’ll do a bit of writing and then I meet with my PA to go over my daily goals and discuss if I have any takeovers or events I have to get ready for. I do some posting in my group and then the rest depends on what I need to accomplish. I’ll either spend more time writing, editing or marketing.

What advice would you give new authors?

If writing is truly your passion, don’t give up. Being an author is a lot of work and consists of way more than just writing a book. Set small goals for yourself and don’t give up until you reach them.

About the Book

Shattered Souls book coverShattered Souls (To Love and Serve Book 1) by Alison Mello
Genre: Military Romance


I left home a proud, strong woman, determined and eager to support my country. But I came back a completely different person.

I’m wounded, scarred, and nothing more than an empty shell. I’ve lost my ability to open up to those closest to me. Why? Because no one understands. No one knows the hell I’ve been through.

Every time I close my eyes the nightmares are there, waiting, lurking in the shadows, ready to torment me further. My only escape is the sting of alcohol, the burn that numbs my pain. Everyone sees it as a weakness, calls it a coping mechanism. I call it survival.

I’m a lost cause…until I meet him—a Boston cop with demons of his own, who knows what it’s like to be haunted by his past. He understands my pain, knows all about the nightmares, and makes me feel less…alone.

But we are both broken, tainted by our pasts. How can we heal each other when we’re both shattered souls?

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About Alison Mello Alison Mello

Alison has been writing for over a year now. Her debut book Finding Love (October 2015) was published by Siren Publishing. Her following books Needing Your Love (November 2015), Found My Love (December 2015), and Fighting for Love (January 2016) were also published with Siren to finish the Learning to Love series.

Her desire to see her books on shelves led to her next work Chasing Dreams (April 2015) She submitted it for publication with Limitless Publishing and was thrilled that it was quickly accepted. Excited to reach that goal, she moved on to the next series she had in mind and wrote Saved By a Soldier (June 2016), My Broken Soldier (July 2016), Forever My Soldier (August 2016), and A Soldier for Bella (September 2016).

Alison enjoyed reading as a child and found her passion for it again in 2011 when E.L. James’ Fifty Shades of Grey was released. Her love of reading was re-ignited and she continued reading other books in the same genre. In the summer of 2015, she decided to give writing a try and two weeks later Finding Love was born. As soon as she finished the first book, she began writing the second book in the series. Her third book was finished by the time Finding Love had been accepted for publication. Alison discovered she has a passion for writing and has spent the last year meeting new readers and sharing the love she has for writing.

Married to her own real-life hero, Alison lives with her amazing family in Massachusetts where she was born and raised. She loves having her own personal inspiration right at home and when she’s not writing she enjoys playing soccer, basketball, and football with her son.

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