Self-care for Solopreneurs

As a solopreneur it’s nice to be monetarily compensated, but when you are starting out that may not be possible for at least a few months. Since self-care is the first thing to go, here are a few ideas to ‘pay’ yourself while you are building your business:

woman in bubble bath

Treat yourself to an indulgent bubble bath. Light a scented candle, fill the tub with warm water and extra foamy, rose or lavender bubble bath.


Woman on a blanket in a park

Make a plan to STOP working at lunchtime at least 1 day a week to take yourself on a picnic in the park. (I know it’s hard but you can do it.)


Cell phone and digital devices

Unplug. At least one day a week (I recommend Wednesday because it’s the halfway point in the week so you get a nice boost for the other days ahead). Work an 8-hour day then leave the business alone. Don’t think about it, don’t take calls, read emails or do anything business related.


Woman listening to music

Listen to music. Preferably tunes you haven’t heard in a while. The goal is to take you back in time, to happier days and fun memories.


2 women walking in the park

Meet a friend or partner for an evening walk


Woman on her cell phone

Call a friend you’ve been meaning to call. Be present in the conversation.


Yoga class

Join a yoga class.


Cinemark marque

Take yourself to the movies. There’s something a little naughty about going to a movie on a weekday or night.


Neck massage

Give or receive a massage.




Mix and match these ideas however you see fit. The idea is to pay yourself health and wellness points. These little investments will help your business because when you are healthy and balanced, ideas flow, you attract opportunities and you make better decisions.

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