Title: Throne of Lies by Sara Secora
Genre: Fantasy
As a seventeen-year-old ruler chafing under the obligations of her bloodline, Princess Amethysta Serelle finds the royal life anything but enchanting.
Betrothed to a nefarious highborn, Amethysta’s heart mourns her lost chance at love—that is, until she becomes mesmerized by someone other than her suitor, and her heart begins to beat anew.
Desperate to keep her daughter on the path toward duty and the throne, the queen keeps a deadly secret. But as Amethysta balances the burden of expectations and freedom, the glowing, blue truth will not stay hidden for much longer.
Desire and duty battle on, further complicated by strange occurrences happening to Amethysta’s body. She struggles for control as her once unquestioned reality is obliterated.
Will she discover the truth, in her heart and hands, before it’s too late?
Purchase on Amazon.
About Sara Secora
Sara Secora has a passion for all things gamer and nerdy, as evidenced on her YouTube channel, AviGaming. She is also a well-branded voice over artist.
Secora has always been in love with writing, and in 2007 she turned her talents to the arduous endeavor of authoring an exciting fantasy trilogy. Her whimsical stories are full of enchantment, mystique, and insight—destined to intrigue readers of any age.
Secora lives in Detroit, Michigan, where she continues to explore old and new avenues for her talent and hard work.
To learn more, please visit: www.SaraSecora.com
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I, Amethysta Serelle, was the final member of the royal family and the sole heir of Northwind. I attempted to defy my destiny at each turn, desperate to break free from my royal bonds. Although I knew it to be futile, I thrashed against them; I believed that doing so was the one thing that kept my sanity intact. All I’d ever wanted was to choose my own path in life instead of just fulfilling a role that had been planned for me since before my birth. Couldn’t my father see I was unfit for the burden of the crown? I couldn’t be the only one to see it—after this morning, I was sure that everyone I’d passed on my way to breakfast agreed with me.
Picking up my spoon, I scooped up some melons and berries and took a bite. But the sweetness of the fruit was nullified by my sour mood. Each day felt more daunting and more overshadowed by thoughts of the future. Being conditioned to become what I’d never wanted to be, while being obligated to leave behind my dreams and bequeathed the crown—that was all that awaited me.
The life of a princess wasn’t what fairytales make it out to be: it was far less glamourous. The reality was that I spent my days locked away inside my cramped tower, under guard wherever I might go. I was not allowed basic things such as friendship. I truly felt more like a prisoner than a royal. The salt in the wound was that each day was painfully similar to the last; the repetition was enough to drive anyone to brink of insanity. See, being royal required one to cast aside all of their pesky dreams, along with their freedom—to dedicate their lives to their duty and to the people without a second thought. For some reason or another, I just couldn’t find my footing within this life. I’d always felt out of place, like I simply didn’t belong.
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