Q&A Session with Robert Smith

Photo Robert SmithRobert Smith (A.K.A. TyCobbsTeeth) hails from Prince Edward Island (off Canada’s east coast).

On this small island, ocean waves drive hard against red cliffs. So, with fears that the sandstone island might soon melt into the Atlantic, Robert finished his studies in Information Technology and moved to Canada’s capital.

Robert has worked in network design, administration and security. He recently transitioned from a job managing a digital forensics team (supporting investigations) to Enterprise Architecture. That’s his day job. At night, he writes.

This author writes thrillers (psychological, suspense, crime and horror). Pick one up if you like that sort of thing.

What are your top 10 favorite authors?

Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Dan Brown, John Grisham, Chuck Palahniuk, David Baldacci, Robert Ludlum, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, and Dr. Seuss

What book do you think everyone should read?

That is a very difficult question because I believe every book tells a slightly different story to every reader. We all interpret things and envision things differently with our mind’s eye. Also, memories of books I’ve read lose a little of their sheen over time. Books read more recently, stand out more. Sure, there are books that I always flash back to when asked about my favorite. I have so many favorites though.

Since this is a direct question, I will stop beating around the bush and give a direct answer. I’m going to say, The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck written by Mark Manson.

I cannot say it’s my favorite, but I can say it was a fun and enlightening read. I believe everyone could get something from this book.

Do the characters all come to you at the same time or do some of them come to you as you write?

Some of each I believe. There are some characters who are predefined and some that grow organically as I write. Even the predefined characters grow and develop as I write.

What kind of research do you do before you begin writing a book?

Often, I will research as I write. Not before. Stories I’ve written took me places I had not planned. More detail of events, topics and places are revealed as I write. I have to research them on the fly.

Do you read yourself and if so what is your favorite genre?

Absolutely! I love reading, and not only for the stories. I thoroughly enjoy the break from reality I get from a good book. That’s not the only reason I adore reading. I’m also captivated by the way some writers can paint such fantastic scenes, their ability to develop beautiful, lovable characters, and their amazing turn of phrase. I just love to read, admire and soak in their writing.

Pen or type writer or computer?

When recording thoughts for future books, or stories of which I’m in the middle, I use many methods. I capture ideas for characters, scenes, plot twists, or whatever, in a small notebook I carry. I tap notes into my phone. I also dictate to myself using audio recordings on my phone. But, when I sit and put it all together, or when I type pages, or chapters at a time, I use my computer.

What are you currently reading?

I’m currently reading Fear Nothing by Dean Koontz and The Bone Collector by Jeffery Deaver. My problem is, I spend too much time re-reading paragraphs that mesmerize me. Absorbing the content AND delivery. I enjoy the prose as much as I do the story and it slows me down. I’m adding to my reading pile faster than I’m burning through it. Soon it’s going to fall over and crush me.

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About the Book

What Lies within coverWhat Lies Within by Robert Smith
Genre: Crime Thriller


There are four kinds of Homicide:
felonious,  excusable, justifiable, and praiseworthy. —Ambrose Bierce

This is a story about duty, revenge, murder, and horror.

The system failed Tyler McDermitt. He and his brother have vowed to protect unfortunate youth from a similar fate – or at least make those responsible, pay. The McDermitt brothers, victims of child abuse and molestation, escaped their hell and have decided to clean up after the failings of a flawed justice system.

The rough streets of Dorchester, south Boston, have hardened two aspiring vigilantes and prepared them for a mission. One brother has a good heart, a conscience, and a burning
compassion. His twisted sense of morality has burdened him with a deep sense of responsibility. The other brother is as hard as nails and as cold as ice. He is hell-bent on revenge and aims to ensure the other stays the course.

A motivated young detective is on their scent; she and her veteran partner look to foil McDermitt brothers’ plan.

Something from the boys’ past – something dark – is also closing in.

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2 thoughts on “Q&A Session with Robert Smith

  1. Thank you for participating in the SilverDagger book tour for What Lies Within. You and all the other blogs which joined in helped generate an exciting buzz around What Lies Within. I’m even more amped about finishing the follow-up. What Lies Beneath will be read before the end of the year.
    I would like to thank all of your readers for the fantastic comments as well. Much appreciated.
    All my best,

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