Robert Joncas Talks Changing Tides

Robert Joncas Changing tide

What inspired you to write this book?

It started out as a short story I wrote for my granddaughter when she was twelve. Skye was also twelve and it was about 6,000 words long.

What can we expect from you in the future?

A sequel to Changing Tide. I never thought it would take off like it did and get great reviews. I left it open for a sequel just in case.

Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in Changing Tide?

In the beginning Skye has just graduated from high school but has had a tough time dealing with her father’s death and her mother’s depression. Her world has come crashing down on her. When she goes to visit Nana at the beach for the summer everything changes. Skye finds a conch shell that has an alien entity inside it. This sets in motion a series of events that change her life.

Skye’s grandmother (Nana) is a knowledgeable, aging hippy that doesn’t take any bull but has a heart of gold. She’s a loveable character. I don’t want to say too much about Paul. It would give away some of the story.

How did you come up with the concept and characters for the book?

I originally fashioned Skye after my granddaughter, Kaylee. Because I wrote the short story for her. Nana is every gutsy older woman that doesn’t care what they say or do. I rounded her out with a witty gentle side and lots of empathy. You can’t help but love Nana.

Where did you come up with the names in the story?

I liked the name Sky, but added an e. My mom was always called Nana by my son and granddaughter since she was from England. I used Paul because it was a common name but not old fashioned.

What did you enjoy most about writing this book?

Not knowing where I was going with the story. I didn’t have an outline. I’m a pantser (writing by the seat of my pants). I wrote two alternate endings and through them out to my writing class and they chose the ending.

How did you come up with the title of your first novel?

The original short story was called “The Seashell.”  It sounded too bland for a novel. “Changing Tide” addresses the sea and the change that Skye goes through in the book.

Who designed your book cover?

I hired a company in Phoenix, 1106 Design to do the book layout. They sent me cover samples, but I had a different idea for the cover. I wanted something that grabbed the reader when they were searching for a book. I had my Real Estate photographer Barbara Sherman helped me design the cover. Barbara also does photography for the schools in Flagstaff. The background on the cover are some rocks in Buckskin Gultch, up by the Grand Canyon. The crow with the one blue eye is symbolic with the story and the conch shell sits on my desk in my office.

Did you learn anything during the writing of your recent book?

Since this is my first novel, I learned writing isn’t as easy as I thought. I also learned that I edited too much while I wrote. The next novel I will concentrate more on getting the story down and worry about the editing when it’s completed.

Convince us why you feel your book is a must-read.

Because of the good reviews and I am an avid reader and each time I had to read through it while it was being edited, I fell in love with it. Another reason, my friends Kathy and Kevin. Kathy read my manuscript and told Kevin about it. Kevin hasn’t read a book in almost 20 years. He couldn’t put it down.

About Robert Joncas

Image of Robert Joncas

Robert grew up in Southern California and has worked as a Real Estate Broker in Flagstaff, AZ, for many years. He has a BS in Health Science and graduated with Distinction from the prestigious UCLA Writers’ Program, where he studied under Author Lynn Hightower in her Master Novel Classes. He is a member of the Alliance of Independent Authors and the Horror Writers Association.

Connect with Robert on his website | Amazon

About the Book

Changing Tide by Robert Joncas

Changing Tide by Robert Joncas

Genre: YA SciFi Paranormal Romance, Fantasy, Horror


I had to do it.

I wouldn’t let anyone else I love die.

What did I do …

A wild adventure that takes you on a journey from the California coast to the depths of the Grand Canyon. Dive into this fast-paced, suspenseful Sci-Fi fantasy novel that melds sizzling romance, action, heart-stopping horror, and a high-stakes battle to save humanity.

After her father’s tragic death, eighteen-year-old Skye Conner and her mom visit her Nana on the California coast. There, Skye stumbles across a mystical conch shell in the surf. Suddenly her dull, empty life takes on a thrilling and terrifying turn.

Skye has had to endure a despondent mother drowning in grief, living in a private world of darkness. Nana is a feisty, intelligent, take-no-bull grandmother with a flaming sense of pride and heart of gold. Then comes a handsome, mesmerizing alien on a mission to save the Earth. But are his intentions sincere, or does he have another agenda?

Skye has finally found someone to love, but can he be trusted? Changing Tide is a witty, original page-turning thriller that will make you look at First Contact in a whole new way.

Purchase on Amazon | B&N | Bookbub | Goodreads

Reviews for Changing Tide

–snippet of a review from–

“Robert Joncas has crafted a compelling narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The pacing is well-balanced, and the author’s ability to evoke a wide range of emotions is commendable. Skye’s character development is particularly noteworthy, as readers witness her transformation from a grieving and vulnerable girl into a brave and determined young woman.

….Changing Tide is a remarkable book that grabs the reader’s attention from the very first page. With its compelling characters, intriguing plot twists, and seamless blending of genres, it is a true page-turner. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment spent reading this book and was genuinely sad when it came to an end. Without a doubt, I highly recommend picking up Changing Tide by Robert Joncas and awarding it a well-deserved 5 out of 5 stars

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