8 Benefits of a Plant Based Lifestyle

Author Justin Kaye gives you 8 benefits to start your plant-based lifestyle right now.

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If you’re like me and you’ve watched quite a few food and animal agriculture documentaries, then you will know about some of the health benefits of switching to a meat-free diet, but for some reason, you don’t feel ready. Well, here are some facts that will give you the extra push to make the transition.

  1. Weight Loss. Slightly reducing your intake of animal products, [and even the] modest reduction of red processed meat, can lower your risk of obesity. There are vegan food sources that are high in fat too. However,
    there are many different reasons why thousands of people are making the switch to a whole food, plant-based diet in an attempt to get rid of unwanted body fat. A rich fiber diet is a lot more filling because you are less
    likely to eat more calories than your body needs.
  2. Increased Energy. Those who follow a plant-based diet are likely to have higher energy levels than one who doesn’t. Feeling lethargic? This probably has a fair amount to do with your diet. Eliminating meat means finding
    replacements that offer more nutrients. Eating grains, beans, lentils, nuts, and a wide variety of fruits and leafy greens are all proven to increase energy levels.
  3. Live Longer. If you’re starting to feel your morality, then now is the time to make that change so that you can then it’s time to make a change that will help you live longer (and healthier). There are plenty of studies that prove that people who eat a whole, food plant-based diet live 4-7 years longer than others. Particularly those who limit their intake of Tabacco and alcohol.
  4. Fuller, Firmer Muscles. Let’s talk about glycogen. For those of you who don’t already know, glycogen is a form of glucose that the body warehouses for future use. It is stored mainly in the liver and the muscles. When energy is needed, glycogen is quickly mobilized to deliver the fuel that the body needs. A well-balanced plant-based diet has multiple sources of complex and simple carbohydrates, from which the body prepares glucose. The extra glycogen in the sarcoplasm of the muscle fibers gives the muscles a fuller, rounder look.
  5. Improved Skin. A vegan diet allows for improved function of insulin and glucagon production, which control your sugar metabolism, a suspected cause of acne. (Insulin imbalance affects your skin’s sebaceous glands, which can lead to clogged pores, causing acne). The antioxidants present in all the fruits and vegetables you’ll be eating will help prevent the formation of acne as well. People who switched to a plant-based diet.
  6. Reduced Inflammation. When you eat meat and highly processed foods it causes a spike in inflammation in your body. As a response to animal fat, our arteries are paralyzed and their ability to open is cut in half, and our lungs also become inflamed. Long-term effects of continuing to eat highly processed meat can cause heart disease, diabetes, and other life-threatening illnesses. A plant-based diet is packed with phytochemicals (plant-based compounds) that include antioxidants, flavonoids, and carotenoids, that help reduce inflammation. and protect the tissues from oxidation.
  7. Better Digestion. Have you ever been told to avoid eating meat late at night? High-protein foods require extra time and energy from the body to properly digest and break down. A plant-based diet, however, is not as calorically rich (and that’s not a bad thing) and is rich in fiber and healthy fats. A fiber-rich diet helps reduce the symptoms of constipation and diarrhea. A plant-based diet will also cut out most processed foods.
  8. Fight Diseases. When done right the diet is naturally low in fat and cholesterol and has been shown to reduce heart disease risk. Epidemiological data has shown vegetarians suffer less from diseases caused by modern western diets (coronary heart disease, hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cancers).

In Justin Kaye’s new Plant Based Recipe Cookbook, you’ll find over 100 plant-based recipes to get you started on a healthier plant-based lifestyle.

Plant-based diet recipes


About Justin Kaye

Justin Kaye photoWriting this book has been a very exciting experience to take on, and it is the result of spending years experimenting with healthy food choices over the years.

I’ve been a vegan for over 2 years now and it took me a while to get used to eating a whole, food plant-based diet and the tasty recipes that you will find in this book. But now brands like Tofurkey, Gardein, Beyond Meat, Tofutti, and so many more came out with meat substitutes that can make cooking a lot more fun, tasty, and quick!

In this book, you will find the total estimated macronutrient for each recipe. What are macronutrients? Macronutrients are nutrients required in large amounts, for example, protein, carbohydrates, and fats.

Macronutrients are essential in our diet because each macro plays a vital part in the human diet, especially for muscle building and weight loss. Switching to a whole food, Plant-based Vegan Diet was the best choice I made and I hope the recipes found in his book will help you perform better, recover faster, and feel great!

If you missed part 1 of this series click here to read Making the Switch to a Plant-based Diet.

In part 3 of this series, we’ll talk about veganism. What is it? Is it for you? And much more. Don’t miss out, sign up below to receive it in your inbox.



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