Making The Switch to a Plant-Based Diet

I started vegetarianism at the age of 17. Even as a child, I never liked meat. Growing up in the Caribbean, most people are carnivores so it was included in every meal and I was forced to eat it. I would always opt for the “skinny” (less fleshy) pieces of meat.

At 17 I saw how animals were butchered and that sealed the deal for me. Having few meatless options I was on and off the meat-eating diet. Now in the US where you have so many plant-based alternatives following a plant-based diet is becoming easier as people learn about the benefits of a plant-based diet.

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In the first part of this series, author Justin Kaye gives us a few simple suggestions on how to get started on a plant-based diet.

Really, It’s not as hard as you think it’s going to be. Just like anything new, it takes time to adapt and to become a habit. and eventually a lifestyle.

One of my biggest concerns, when I made the transition, was where the hell was I going to get my protein from.

Discovering this did not happen overnight. Just like any change to a diet, it takes time to find out what works and what doesn’t. Thankfully the simple plant-based foods and recipes found in this book will make the entire process so much easier for you.

But let’s face it, making the switch to a ‘non-vegetarian’ diet, can be overwhelming. A lot of people make the assumption that vegan diets are restrictive.

That’s not the case. Nowadays there are plenty of alternatives to pretty much everything you’d enjoy as an omnivore (there’s even *plant-based bacon!), so there is no excuse to continue harming innocent animals just to put food on our plates.

*See below for a link to the recipe for plant-based bacon.

Some will say, “we are only human”, “we crave”, and we give in. I get that, I’ve been there, too. So, I’ve written below some tips on how to get past this.

  • Don’t Expect Perfection
  • Like I said earlier, it’s a change in lifestyle.
  • It doesn’t happen overnight and takes time to get used to it.
  • Also keep in mind that apart from your mindset, your body will have to adapt to it, too. When you do switch to a plant-based vegan diet, there will be times when you yield to a craving. And that’s alright. Focus on the times that you didn’t.
  • A few steps forward for every time you take a step back, and in time you’ll find yourself on the way to a 100% whole, food plant-based diet, and the fitness goals you’re chasing.

About Justin Kaye

Justin Kaye photoWriting this book has been a very exciting experience to take on, and it is the result of spending years experimenting with healthy food choices over the years.

I’ve been a vegan for over 2 years now and it took me a while to get used to eating a whole, food plant-based diet and the tasty recipes that you will find in this book. But now brands like Tofurkey, Gardein, Beyond Meat, Tofutti, and so many more came out with meat substitutes that can make cooking a lot more fun, tasty, and quick!

In this book, you will find the total estimated macronutrient for each recipe. What are macronutrients? Macronutrients are nutrients required in large amounts, for example, protein, carbohydrates, and fats.

Macronutrients are essential in our diet because each macro plays a vital part in the human diet, especially for muscle building and weight loss. Switching to a whole food, Plant-based Vegan Diet was the best choice I made and I hope the recipes found in his book will help you perform better, recover faster, and feel great!

Plant-based diet recipes

In the next post, we’ll discuss the benefits of a plant-based diet. In the meantime check out Justin’s book and more here.

Non-affiliate recommendation: I made this carrot bacon and they are fantastic. Here’s the recipe on

I shredded mine differently into crumbles and left it to dry out in the fridge overnight. You can sprinkle it on potatoes, veggie burgers, or over beans.

Carrot bacon crumbles






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