About Susan Ngozi Nwokedi
Susan Ngozi Nwokedi is an award-winning filmmaker with over 15 years of experience in the film and entertainment industry. Nwokedi can be found online at www.susannwokedi.com.
After graduating from the University of Houston and obtaining two Master’s degrees, she founded TopLine Productions and Entertainment Company.
Realizing her passion as an educator and a leader, she opened the Children Come Click Education & Technology Center, a supplemental education enrichment program that provides K-12 support and adult education services.
10Qs with Susan Ngozi Nwokedi
Tell us something about yourself and how you became an author?
For as far back as I could remember, I have always been fascinated by good stories and books. I am an educator, filmmaker (producer/director) and actor.
What is something unique or quirky about you?
My friends, coworkers and family say I have a unique laugh. I’ve been asked to record my laugh as a ringtone for others.
Tell us something really interesting that has happened to you
There were these moments where people did me wrong but then their pay back was really, really, really out of this world, literally. I had nothing to do with it though. So, you can say God is always looking out for me.
What are some of your pet peeves?
Rudeness, self-entitlement, and extremely and unnecessary loudness
Where were you born and where did you grow up?
Born-Nigeria, Grew up – USA, Texas
If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, how would you spend your last day?
Make sure my spiritual self is good, more good deeds for others and spending time with my loved ones.
Who is your hero and why?
Jesus, because Jesus is the true definition selflessness and role model.
What kind of world ruler would you be?
A leader who understands that all people are not the same and do not need same thing[s]. And a leader who believes that teaching people to fish is more important than giving them fish.
What are you passionate about?
Creating beautiful content, stories, empowering and motivating others, sharing my talents and knowledge with others.
What do you do to unwind and relax?
Cook, workout, read, write, and watch K-Drama
Connect with Susan on her Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads
About the Book
Oma and the Prince by Susan Ngozi Nwokedi
Genre: Fairytale
Oma and the Prince is a unique African fairy-tale that follows the journey of Oma, a poor girl with a rare skin disease. Oma was ridiculed not only because of her skin, but because she aimed high.
This fairy-tale encourages its readers to dream big and chase those dreams. It covers social topics such as bullying, self-advocacy, and diversity. Along with following their dreams, readers learn that the beauty that really matters is inner beauty.
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This sounds like a really great book! Nice cover!
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Looks like a wonderful book.
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