Paulette Harper Presents, Princess Nevaeh

Children book: Princess Nevaeh: Lesson on Self Discovery
Paperback: 34 pages
Publisher: Thy Word Publishing (August 27, 2014)
ISBN-10: 0989969142
ISBN-13: 978-0989969147

Book cover for Princess Nevaeh

Six year old Nevaeh wants to be something she already is. She will soon learn that her wish to be a princess takes a little more than just asking. Lessons on self-discovery are taught by her Mimi who makes her understand that being a princess takes work.

Some of the lessons taught in the book:

  1. Behavioral skills: fighting, name calling and bullying,
  2. Teaches manners and how to conduct themselves.
  3. It encourages listening skills pertaining to adults, parents and teachers. In regards to listening and obeying adults this is a great opportunity for parents to share with the child the difference between those you can trust and those you can’t.

These types of story books are perfect for kids to learn, improve and grow. Written by  award-winning and best-selling author, Paulette Harper.
Author Paulette HarperPaulette  is the owner of Write Now Literary Virtual Book Tours and is passionate about helping authors succeed in publishing and marketing their books.

Paulette has been writing and publishing books since 2008.  Paulette is the author of That Was Then, This is Now, Completely Whole, Living Separate Lives and The Sanctuary. She resides in Northern, Ca.

Connect with Paulette:

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“A princess doesn’t call her friends bad names or make fun of them,” Mimi said.

“Mimi, what are bad names?”

Mimi chuckled.

“Well Nevaeh, a bad name would be calling someone fat, or ugly, or making fun of someone because they wear glasses or don’t have nice clothes.”

“Oh, okay Mimi. I don’t do that. So that makes me a good princess.”

“Yes, Nevaeh, you are correct. That makes you a good princess.

Reviews for Princess Nevaeh.

“I really liked this book – please can you send me more Princess books! I loved the pictures and illustrations. I liked the story – it was amazing! – Emma

I think little girls will enjoy having this book read to them. It will teach them a gentle lesson that true beauty comes from how you treat others. – Amazon Customer

This book is full of great character traits that we want to teach our children. – Sandra K

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