Naming Cursed Rebel

HG Lunch Cursed RebelThe names of my characters in Cursed Rebel are essential to the story. Traditionally in fae mythology, names are a very superstitious thing. According to lore, the reason the fae got the names Fair Folk, or Good Neighbours, was because if you said the word “faery”, they would hear and they would come to bother you.

In Cursed Rebel, my fae have two names – their Human names, or the names that Lucy gives them. And they have their Real Names. Their Real Names are incredibly important and quite secret, because if a more powerful faery gets hold of another faery’s Real Name, they can be used it to compel them and control them.

Also, I tried to give my fae Irish or Scottish names, as the Fae were originally a Celtic construct. If you look back at old Irish lore, you’ll see a lot of tales about Mag Tuiridh and the Tuatha De Dannan – the Tuatha were seen as gods of a sort, and there were loads of them, like Brigit, the goddess of the forge or smithery, and Aonghus, god of love.

I’ve always had a fascination with Scottish and Irish mythology – the kelpie, the selkie, etc. As a child, the legends appealed to my imagination, and as I grew up, my interest in the lore increased. I’ve spent endless hours researching Scottish myths – I firmly believe in the Loch Ness Monster. Don’t you dare tell me Nessie isn’t real!

Cursed Rebel Banner

Title: Cursed Rebel by H.G. Lynch Cursed rebel book cover
Published:  July 14th, 2015
Publisher:  Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing
Genre:  Young Adult Fantasy
Recommended Age:  15+


Never trust a pretty face. My grandma taught me that. She warned me about the Fair Folk but I never believed her…until I was kidnapped by one. And damn, he is pretty.

But Fin was sent to bring me to his King, and if I want to survive the Otherworld, I have no choice but to trust him – for now.

Oh, and did I mention my sexy best friend is hunting me? I should’ve listened to Gran.

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Photo HG LynchAbout the Author

H.G. Lynch is a Scottish Paranormal Romance author, avid reader, and cat-lover. She spends most of her days writing, while wrestling her cat, Sooki, off her laptop. She believes that chocolate cake can save the world, and is highly caffeine-addicted. She loves horse-riding, Star Trek, and snow.

Her books are dark fantasy romances, usually with a bad boy and a bad girl. Sometimes with zombies, sometimes vampires, sometimes other things.

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