Prostate Cancer: Sheep or Wolf? by Murray Wadsworth

With prostate cancer, you need to know whether you’re facing sheep or wolves and to identify where they all are. Misguidedly, it seems decisions hinge as much upon the fears of over treatment and side effects than on the disease itself. Scandalously, patients and their supporters face a systemic tide of misinformation surrounding disparities in diagnosis, treatment options and outcomes.

The disparities begin with screening, for despite the number of prostate cancer deaths being very similar to breast cancer, there is no established screening program. It seems the main reasons are a perception that men cannot handle the anxieties of working through the initial findings, whether positive or negative, and that prostate cancer is viewed as an old man’s disease. Had Murray not a taken it upon himself to screen in his early fifties, he would likely be facing death now.

Because of the misinformation surrounding screening, it was nearly too late when Murray’s diagnosis was made. He was otherwise very healthy and active, working and living in England, where a more thorough screening process identified a previously missed tumor on his prostate. His immersion in patient research began immediately in preparation for his return home to Austin, Texas.

His long-established urologist recommended surgery, a radical prostatectomy, the very next week. Confused, uncertain and afraid, Murray felt his life and lifestyle were on the line. He said no to immediate surgery and returned to England for more advanced imaging methods and to investigate non-surgical treatment options not yet available it the U.S. Unexpectedly those findings still pointed to surgery as his best chance for a curative outcome.

Although the surgery itself went very well it failed to remove all the cancer. A year later he underwent salvage radiation, but it did not clear all the remaining cancer. The best that American health care could offer was an attempt to slow his advancing cancer with chemotherapy and hormone-blocking medications. But Murray was not ready to give up─he still wanted a shot at a ‘cure’. He returned to Europe for the world’s most advanced MRI and robotic lymph node removal surgery.

Most fortunately that resulted in the best possible outcome, the status known as “undetectable” for remaining prostate cancer. Murray remains hopeful his treatments got all the sheep. With the right information, you can better understand the threat and greatly improve your chances of beating prostate cancer too.

About Murray Wadsworth

Murray shares his parallel journeys of balancing his evolving prostate cancer diagnosis through four different treatments in the U.S. and Europe, while embarking on extended RV road trips. His experiences offer a revealing look into how America’s healthcare system leads men into blind alleys, fear traps, and both under-treatment and over-treatment.

Murray also shares his most current information on his Facebook author page. As he travels about the U.S. Murray discusses his experiences at book signings and other casual meetups and is a provocative and outspoken commentator within a variety of support groups and other public forums.

Want to connect with Murray? Check out his website | Facebook | Goodreads

About the Book

Prostate Cancer: Sheep or Wolf? reveals the dark reality about prostate cancer treatment in America and the shocking prostate cancer stories of Wadsworth and five other men.

The problem: America’s equipment and treatment for prostate cancer is frighteningly repressed. All medically reviewed, Wadsworth reveals the political mask, health system greed and toxic masculinity metastasizing prostate cancer in America.

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