Book Talk with Mila Nicks

About Mila Nicks

Mila Nicks is an emerging romance author on a mission to pen heartfelt love stories featuring women of color.

From the time she was a small girl with crayons and an overactive imagination, she’s had a passion for storytelling. In addition to receiving her Bachelor’s degree in Journalism, she is presently pursuing her MFA in Creative Writing. She has also served her country in the United States Air Force.

When she isn’t penning uplifting love stories, you can find this imaginative writer traveling across the globe, sampling new cuisines, or spending quality time with her spunky pet Chihuahua, Zayden.

Connect with Mila on her Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Bookbub | Amazon | Goodreads

Book Talk with Mila Nicks

What inspired you to write this book?

I can’t say any one thing inspired me. I draw inspiration from anywhere and everywhere. My book ideas come at random. It’s usually from something I see or hear in passing. At the time I first conceived the idea for Chasing Wild Horses, I was living in the U.K. I was driving down the English countryside and saw an estate with horses. It planted the seed in my head that I wanted to write a book about horses. All of the extra pieces fell into place as I sat down and started writing (I’m a total pantser).

What can we expect from you in the future?

I read a lot of romance. I watch a lot of romance. I want more stories with women of color. It’s easier now more than ever to find diverse romance thanks to indie publishing, but it’s still nowhere near the level it should be. WOC Romance are the stories I want to read and/or watch myself as a woman of color, so why not write it?

Do you have any “side stories” about the characters?

Yes! If you’re familiar with Chasing Wild Horses, you’d know there’s a second love story embedded within the main plot. It’s funny because the main draw is supposed to be the romance between Chase and Samara in modern day, but I’d argue Bucky and Bunny’s love story is the foundation of the series itself. A novella going even more in depth about their love may or may not be on the horizon. 🙂

Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in Chasing Wild Horses?

Our heroine is Samara Grant. Our hero is Chase Collins. Both are different in a lot of ways. Samara is well-traveled, spirited and impulsive. She is basically a firecracker, ha ha. Chase is a lot more sullen, quiet and brooding. He stays in his head. He sticks with what he knows. But for as different as they are, they’re both very withdrawn people. Just in different ways. Chase withdraws by shutting down and being a loner. Samara withdraws by staying on the go and running away. It’s been so interesting exploring them as characters and how they fit together.

How did you come up with the concept and characters for the book?

The concept was as simple as passing horses on the motorway and deciding I wanted to write a romance centered around horseback riding. I’m a pantser, so sometimes I don’t know for sure the details of what I’m writing until I actually sit down and start. From there I fill in the blanks. It’s a little weird to try and explain, but it’s like once I have a setting or overall idea, the characters materialize on their own. That’s exactly what happened with Chasing Wild Horses. I realized I wanted to write about horses and a brooding rancher as the male protagonist came to me. Then I thought about what would make him tick? Why is he the way he is?

Where did you come up with the names in the story?

Google is my trusty friend for names! Sometimes I start out with the exact name I know I want to use. Other times, like with Chasing Wild Horses, I google girl and/or boy names. It always feels like such a big choice picking names, because you want to like the name enough to write the name dozens of times. It’s a major part of the character you’re creating.

About Chasing Wild Horses

Chasing Wild Horses Wild Horse Ranch Book 1 by Mila Nicks
Genre: Contemporary Romance


A slow-burn romance between two outsiders from opposite worlds:

He’s the biggest outcast in town…

Chase Collins has never met a horse he didn’t like. Too bad he can’t say the same for people. In his hometown Lutton, his poor reputation follows him like a dark shadow. It’s best for everyone if he sticks to where he belongs. At least on Wild Horse Ranch, he’s safe from judgment. Then one day a familiar face from 10 years ago shows up out of the blue.

She’s a wanderer who comes and goes…

Samara Grant is a nomad at heart. She doesn’t like staying put for too long. But when her Grandma Bunny passes away, she has to put her carefree lifestyle on hold to handle her affairs. She might have spent childhood summers in Lutton, Texas, but it’s no place to live. She wants to get in and out as fast as possible. Little does she know life has other plans.

Together, they form an unbreakable bond…

After a series of near-death experiences, Samara decides to take back control of her life. She asks Chase to teach her how to ride. Neither expect to find common ground—and a fiery attraction—when Chase agrees. But their blossoming relationship isn’t celebrated by everyone. The closer Chase and Samara get, the more an unforseen enemy seeks to tear them apart…

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