Meetup groups are the offline social wave. It’s like Facebook but without all the shameless self promotion and useless shares. Don’t get me wrong I love me some Facebook, how else would I keep in touch with childhood friends, family and know what’s going on in the world?
So what are Meetup groups?
Meetup groups are a group of like minded individuals who get together and participate in group activities. The group has a moderator and in some cases an organizer (somebody has to be responsible for rounding up the troops!) or both. Most of the time the moderator or organizer plans the activity (meetup) and posts it on the board. Members then RSVP and meet at the location or carpool from a set location.
What kind of activities are we talkin’ about here?
Activities depend upon what you like to do. It can range from cooking to traveling. My personal favorites are the hiking and outdoor exploration groups.
What kind of people would do such things?
Boomers, singles, people who are new to town, business people, you name it. I’ve met some very interesting people who I normally wouldn’t have a chance to meet. It’s a great way to get to know people in a friendly and safe setting and a wonderful way to experience different things and see different places.
Tell me more!
The great thing about Meetup groups is that you can find almost anything you want to do in any city or neighborhood. It’s free to join, free to start up. (Note: Some Meetup organizers charge a small fee usually $2.00 a year to maintain the group.) All of the groups I’ve been on have been free and I’ve been a member since 2010.
Ok I’m sold. What now?
Click here to sign up and find a Meetup in your area. Get out there and start meeting new people and exploring new things. Post your pictures on Facebook, your friends will be so jealous.
Below are some of my personal pictures from different meetup gatherings. If you’ve done meetups before and want to share your experiences, feel free to do so, I love hearing from ya!

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