Imogen Markwell-Tweed Talks About Her New Book

Photo of Imogen Markwell-TweedHow did you come up with the title of your latest book?

The mythology around the Mothman was probably my favorite thing to research for a book, ever. While pitching the idea of including the Mothman, a friend explained to me that part of his lore is being able to see the future.

We became immediately enamored with the idea of someone being able to see exactly how a relationship would end— all the pain, struggles, difficulties, on top of the good— and choosing to go for it anyway. I think that it’s a clear moment of love, knowing the ending, and picking it anyway.

What inspired you to write this novel?

Before the time of COVID social distancing, I would often go to coffee shops to co-work with friends during the weekend. One particular day, I was struggling to decide what I wanted to write. My friends threw out suggestions: “angels and demons!” “baking?” “grad school” and “Mothman!”

I tried my best to fit all these moving parts into this short, sweet romance. After I figured out how it all went together, it was pretty simple. My favorite scenes to write are the soft ones, where two characters just spend time with each other and consider their affection for each other, which is pretty much what this book is about.

Tell us about your writing process for this novel

Yes, absolutely. I try to write character-first stories because that’s what I like and what I find motivating in romance. So the first thing I do as a writer is think about my characters: I make them playlists, I consider what their daily routine would be, their desires and fears. I try to make them as real to me as my best friends. Then, I start writing.

I do come up with basic outlines— major plot points, the scene for each chapter, but I let the dialogue and nuances of their personalities really lead.

About Imogen Markwell-Tweed

Imogen Markwell-Tweed is a queer romance writer and editor based in St. Louis. When she’s not writing or hanging out with her dog, IMT can be found putting her media degrees to use by binge-watching trashy television. All of her stories promise queer protagonists, healthy relationships, and happily ever afters.

Connect with Imogen on her Website | Twitter | Instagram | Patreon | Goodreads

About the Book

I know how this ends book coverI Know How This Ends by Imogen Markwell-Tweed
Genre: Sweet M/M Paranormal Romance


Alone in the woods of West Virginia, Tabbris lives a quiet life. He tends to his garden and communes with the bees and feels the presence of holiness in his every small, humble action. A fallen angel with the ability to see the future, Tabbris tries his best to stay out of humanity’s sight.

In L.A., Daniel is the life of the party. Loud, abrasive, desperate for approval and companionship, Daniel never sits still — and he’s never alone.

When Daniel gets a large research grant to investigate cryptids, he sets off for West Virginia. What he thought would be a good prank and a fun conference paper turns out to be an adventure he never saw coming.

Tabbris’s quiet life is uprooted by a mysterious man falling across the borders of time and into his front yard. Daniel is not supposed to be here! But there’s something intriguing about this man, beyond his surprising appearance and penchant for mythological creatures. When Daniel keeps showing up, Tabbris is plagued by the possibilities that the man ignites in him.

The only problem is that Tabbris can see the future. And he already knows how much pain they have in store. He knows how this ends.

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