Book Talk with Lynn Chantale + Giveaway

Bakers Touch Lynn ChantaleTell us something about yourself and your author journey

Hello! My name is Lynn Chantale, I write AA and IR/MC erotic, romantic suspense, a little paranormal and a shade of fantasy. Don’t get between me and a good piece of chocolate or there could be a misunderstanding. I also love socks, the more outrageous and wacky, the better.

For a sample of my work check out Sex, Lies and Joysticks. You can find me at as to how I became a writer, I’ve always written, even from the time I was a little girl. From writing about a preschooler who solved mysteries around her neighborhood and school, to what I hoped would be the next Harlequin novel.

I got my shot in 2010 when I submitted ‘Seducing His Wife’ to Whispers Publishing. They said yes and I’ve been published either indie or under contract ever since.

How did you come up with the concept and characters for The Baker’s Touch?

When I decided to pitch the story to 4 Horsemen Publications, I decided to turn it into a series. With that in mind, I needed a storyline to weave through all of the books. Creating characters with visual disabilities is close to home. I have RP or retinitis pigmentosa which I inherited from my father.

He does amazing things as does the SWFL Council of the Blind. I wanted to somehow capture what we do and how we live. A lot of the people I’ve met weren’t always blind. Some were born that way and others experienced traumatic accidents. Some of the people are happy and others are not. Some use mobility devices like canes or dogs and others get around by echo location. Just as there are many forms of blindness, we all have different ways of dealing with it.

Where did you come up with the names in The Baker’s Touch?

For the main characters, I tried to pick different names. With Penelope I wanted her initials to be the same as peanut butter, and Penelope isn’t as common as it used to be. As for Avery, something different. Although I think I used the name in another book fro a character. 🙂

What did you enjoy most about writing this book?

Believe it or not, working with my editor. She gave such fantastic feedback and suggestions, I had a terrific time fleshing out Mr. VIP and Sam, and the locations the characters visited. Actually, I really enjoyed the new perspective she brought to the story. There are times I forget to describe the way something looks, because well, I don’t see it anymore. So to stop and look through the eyes of a sighted character and describe what the bakery, or Penelope’s home looks like to them versus how she sees it, through touch, smell and sound was wonderful.

Are your characters based on real people or did they all come entirely from your imagination?

It’s always a bit of both. There are a few characters who are based on people I know. Because those people have such strong traits, it’s nice to capture them on paper. A lot of the characters are made up, a total figment of my imagination.

Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story?

Usually, I can control the characters. Okay, that’s wrong one of the characters is always trying to hijack the story. In The Baker’s Touch, Mr. VIP almost got away from me. He wanted to pop in every chance he got. Finally, I had to tell him to go sit in the corner and wait his turn. Lol. I think with the way some of life has been, the villains have been easier to write or at least chaos and mayhem.

Thank you!

About Lynn Chantale

Lynn Chantale iconLynn Chantale resides in Southwest Florida and she is determined to enjoy all that life has to offer. She has a mad affinity for milk chocolate, preferably Dove chocolate truffles or the caramel-filled squares (Godiva is acceptable), and plays the bass guitar when the Muse begs for a bit of distraction.

She’s a multi-published author in ebooks and has recently stepped into the self-publishing world. So far both experiences have been rewarding.

Connect with Lynn on WebsiteFacebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amazon | Goodreads

About the Book

Bakers Touch by Lynn ChantaleThe Baker’s Touch VIBE a Steamy Romance Book 1 by Lynn Chantale
Genre: Steamy Romance


Valentine’s is always a busy time of year for PB and J Bakery.

With love fueling the need for sweet confections, there’s always room for romance. Even the anonymous gifts left for Penelope, by a secret admirer, are a welcome distraction from the chaos of chocolate and spongecake.

Penelope Bishop has an idea who’s sending the gifts, or at least she hopes it’s her sexy mystery man who stole a kiss on New Year’s Eve. The trouble is, she’s never seen him. Her only clues are dancing skills, a great pair of lips, and a sensual voice that haunts her dreams and every waking fantasy. All that pales when her assistant, Avery, inspires those same lustful thoughts.

Avery has loved Penelope from afar, but with her recent breakup, he doubts she’ll view him beyond the current role he has in her life…seeing eye person. He has one chance to woo a woman who defines her world through touch, scent, sound, and taste–think outside the dating box. When an old flame comes courting and makes Penelope an offer she just may accept, Avery has one last opportunity to make her his Valentine…he’ll have to bare all.

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