Family Portrait – Love Triangles

One of the things in my view that keeps the Family Portrait series moving forward are the love triangles and tangles the characters get themselves into. Lets examine.

Love Triangle #1

Kev Savi LW




Savi + Kevin + L’Wren = Dynamite.

From the beginning of their crazy, sexy, hot meeting in Changes, Kevin and Savi was fun to write. They were wild, passionate and wreckless. Kevin was attracted to her confidence and edginess. He thought he had Savi figured out, thinking that she was just another bored Beverly Hills housewife, but as the series progressed he realized that she was not someone to take lightly. He liked that she was out for a good time and nothing more, she never talked much about her life and never probed him on his and he appreciated that. Yet something about her was damaged, just like him.

Kevin and L’Wren never really met until Banovic Siblings (book 2). Their meeting had a rocky start. When Kevin put his life in danger to save a complete stranger (L’Wren), instead of her being grateful, she was pissed. Was she pissed because he tried rescue her or was it something about this tall, dark handsome stranger that made her insides stir?

Love triangle #2





Adriana + Haze + Carys = Triple trouble

Imagine for a moment that you’re a 15-year-old girl who has a major crush on a guy in a magazine.  Then one day that guy shows up on your doorstep. There begins the relationship between Adriana and Haze. Sounds perfect right? Except Adriana has a secret that could land Haze in jail or worse. What is a girl to do? If you’re Adriana Kelly Banovic, you keep said secret, which creates the potential to unravel into a whole heap of trouble.

Enter Carys Wilson. Carys has her eyes and heart set on the handsome handyman turned model Haze C. Lyndon. When Haze turned her down in favor of Adriana, Carys is not happy. She senses heartbreak in Haze’s future where Adriana is concerned, but resides herself to be Haze’s dutiful ‘friend’. But she waits patiently for Adriana to screw up and Haze to find loving comfort in her arms.

Love triangle #3

New Book cover for ChangesNew cover for the Banovic SiblingsNew cover for Bastard's Brew 





Leighann + Zax + Kristin = Tug of war 

From the moment Leighann was introduced to Zax Banovic she was smitten … Those aquamarine eyes, blond hair, gorgeous body. Leighann was walking on sunshine when he asked her out on a double date with Kristin and Frankie, only to discover that the ‘date’ was actually a way for him to spy on his true love interest Kristin.

Zax had been in love with Kristin and the idea of her for as long as he could remember. It took him years to finally ask her out. Now, will the fantasy match up to the reality?

Love triangle #4

New cover for the Banovic Siblings

New cover for Bastard's BrewPerfect Escape book cover






Zax + Kristin + Frankie = Forbidden fruit

Frankie loves being the envy of everybody in his world. So naturally Kristin Newman was on his radar. All the boys wanted to date her and all the girls hated her, she was his next conquest. Even though he knew how his best friend Zax felt about her, he still pursued her, knowing that Zax would never let a girl come between their years of friendship.

Kristin on the other hand, is torn between good boy Zax and bad boy Frankie. So many boys, so little time.

Love triangle #5

Perfect Escape book cover






Zax + Leighann + Joel = WTF

Leighann’s finally got a distraction from Zax in the form of Joel O’Leary, Zax’s other best friend. Leighann and Joel truly like each other. They were drawn together because of all their family drama but it worked out well for them. So why is Zax tripping over their relationship? I mean he and Kristin are happy… Right?

The Zax, Leighann, Joel, Frankie and Kristin saga continues in book 5 coming in the Summer 2015.

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