Introducing Author, Lisa Sniderman

Please introduce yourself

I’m Lisa Sniderman, aka Aoede, an award-winning, quirky, folk-pop artist, playwright, teaching artist, author, filmmaker from San Francisco, and have been battling a rare chronic illness for nearly 12 years while obsessively creating to heal.

I create and record unique, original full-length fantasy musicals on audio books that I adapt to musical theater stage plays. I’ve been honored with more than 80 awards for my songwriting, audio books, films, stage plays and books since 2012 all while suffering from a rare autoimmune disease: dermatomyositis, a progressive muscle weakness disease.

My mission is to be a light and a muse by inspiring, engaging, empowering, connecting with, encouraging, and supporting young adults and kids at heart of all ages, challenges, and abilities through original art and music.

My new memoir: A Light in the Darkness: Transcending Chronic Illness through the Power of Art and Attitude (Sep 2018), chronicles my 10-year journey living with chronic illness while creating to heal. I founded an online community of artists creating to heal and collaborated with more than 50 artists who are also creating to heal, culminating in an online video showcase and live multi-media performances in December 2018.

What is the most satisfying thing about being an author?

I love writing and sharing my story! I love connecting with my readers and receiving messages or receiving reviews from people who are inspired by my book, story or journey, and realizing the impact I am having as a writer and artist.

It is hard to be vulnerable, and knowing that because I shared my journey, I encouraged, helped or inspired someone else is totally worth it. I love connecting with other authors and am always learning. The book world as an author is still new to me, so I am always growing: whether it is navigating the world of publishing, marketing and promotion, or improving my craft and writing, I love to learn new skills as an artist, especially those that scare me and take me out of my comfort zone.

What are you working on now?

I collaborated with more than 20 “lights in the darkness” artists who contributed their vocals to a new recording Keep Shining and released the song and video that shares my story and struggle with rare chronic illness, disability and recovery. It is a powerful reminder to never give up. Keep Shining music video has been selected for multiple film festivals and has received several awards and was considered for Grammy awards!

Watch the Keep Shining video on You Tube.

About the Book

A Light in the Darkness by Lisa A. Sniderman
Genre: Inspirational Memoir


What can we do when we struggle with an illness that doesn’t go away?

An inspirational story of the healing power of music, creativity, following your dreams and finding your true purpose.

In 2008, singer-songwriter Lisa Sniderman was living the dream in California. As Aoede, the Muse of Song, her star as a gifted recording artist was rising fast. Lisa’s quirky folk-pop performance style electrified audiences up and down the West Coast, and the albums just kept flowing. But just when her career was rocketing skyward, a health crisis brought all of her dreams crashing to the ground.

Diagnosed with a rare, debilitating immune disorder called dermatomyositis (DM), Lisa struggled to maintain a normal life with a body in revolt and, eventually, to accept a new normal.

Living with a chronic illness challenged Lisa to see DM as a gift in disguise that has opened the door to new dreams, new songs, and new opportunities.

Lisa’s story is for you if you seek strength, new inspiration, hope, joy, healing, and if you or someone you love struggle with a chronic illness, disability, or unexpected life events. Her insights and reflections on her journey inspire hope and the courage to keep dreaming and living to the fullest no matter what life hurls at you.

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Author Bio

Lisa Sniderman, aka Aoede, is an award-winning, quirky, folk-pop artist, playwright, filmmaker, and author from San Francisco who creates to heal. She creates and records unique, original full-length fantasy musicals on audio books that she adapts to musical theater stage plays.

She’s been honored with more than 80 awards for songwriting, audio books, films, stage plays and books since 2012 all while suffering from a rare autoimmune disease: dermatomyositis, a progressive muscle weakness disease. Lisa’s mission is to be a light and a muse by inspiring, engaging, empowering, connecting with, encouraging, and supporting young adults and kids at heart of all ages, challenges, and abilities through original art and music. She fosters healing by “giving your creative spirit wings and inspiring you to share your story.”

Lisa’s new memoir, A Light in the Darkness: Transcending Chronic Illness through the Power of Art and Attitude, chronicles 10 years living with chronic illness while creating to heal. Through confessions and life lessons, Lisa offers support, compassion, strength, connection, encouragement, motivation, and hope-a light in the darkness-to those battling chronic illness, disability and unexpected life challenges.

Lisa founded an online community of artists creating to heal and collaborated with more than 50 artists who are also creating to heal, culminating in an online video showcase and live multi-media performances in December 2018.

Connect with Lisa on her Website | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | YouTube

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