Lena Diaz Top 10 Action Movies

Lena Diaz photoI Never Met an Action Movie I Didn’t Like. My name is Lena, and I’m an action movie junkie. But I don’t want to be cured of this addiction. I adore those adrenaline-rush, over-the-top, crazy plot movies almost as much as I love to write, well, adrenaline-rush, over-the-top, crazy plot books!

I’ll be honest here. I don’t strive for reality in my stories. You want reality? Watch a twenty-four hour news channel about the latest shooting or stabbing or domestic violence situation and let me know if that makes you feel good, or happy. Or read a fact-filled police procedural romantic suspense. There are plenty of them out there, plenty of really good ones. But they don’t make me feel the way I want to feel when I read romantic suspense, so I don’t write them.

When people read my books, I want them to have fun, to feel like they’ve been on a breathless, wild ride. I want them to be entertained, to never have a dull moment. I want them to live vicariously through my badass hero and kickass heroine and see the good guy win for a change. And in the end, I want the reader to come away with a smile on their face, because nice guys finish FIRST in my stories and the hero always gets the girl (and she gets him, win-win!)

So, back to the movie part. Here’s a top-ten list of some of my favorite action movies. Do you agree with my list? If not, let me know what movies you think should be on this list. I’ve got a bucket of popcorn with my name on it just waiting for me to rent my next favorite action movie. So bring it on!

1. DIE HARD – “Yippee-Ki-Yay,” Bruce Willis, enough said

2. TWISTER – “Did you see my cows out front?”

3. ARMAGEDDON – “AJ, I got just five words for you.”

4. INDEPENDENCE DAY – “And what the hell is that smell?”

5. LETHAL WEAPON – BEFORE Mel Gibson lost his ever-loving mind

6. GLADIATOR – Epic…just…epic

7. SAVING PRIVATE RYAN – Because, Tom Hanks, and just, wow

8. PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN – “You cheated!”, “Pirate!”

9. THE BOURNE IDENTITY – Brilliant plot, perfect casting

10. VAN HELSING – Cheesy good!

Exit Strategy banner

Exit Strategy book coverExit Strategy EXIT Inc. # 1 by Lena Diaz
Release date: June 30, 2015
Publisher: Avon


Lena Diaz launches her thrilling new series featuring the undercover vigilantes of EXIT Inc. with a skilled operative putting his life—and his heart—on the line for a woman in trouble…

When Sabrina Hightower awakens to the sound of an intruder, she figures he’s there to rob her, murder her— or worse. She doesn’t expect to be carried off by a muscle-bound stud with male-model good looks… or that he came to rescue her.

Mason Hunt became an enforcer with EXIT Inc. to eliminate the bad guys—terrorists, militia groups, all those who would do America harm. But his latest target is innocent. If EXIT could lie about sultry, strong-willed Sabrina, what darker truths might they be concealing?

Going rogue in the rugged North Carolina Mountains, Mason risks everything to keep Sabrina close, especially now that EXIT’s lethal assassins are chasing them down. The heat is on… but it’s nothing compared to the slow burn of seduction.

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About Lena Diaz

Lena Diaz photo

Originally from Kentucky, romantic suspense author Lena Diaz also lived in California and Louisiana before settling in Northeast Florida with her husband, two children, and a Shetland Sheepdog named Sparky.

A Romance Writers of America Golden Heart® finalist, she’s won the prestigious Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense and has been a finalist for the National Excellence in Romance Fiction Award. She loves to watch action movies, garden, and hike in the beautiful Tennessee Smoky Mountains.

Connect with Lena: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


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