Carol E. Keen Shares Her Conundrums

Get to know Carol E Keen, author of Starla’s Christmas Conundrums.

What is something unique/quirky about you?

I think I’m the only fiction author I know of who’s raised seahorses. Does that count as quirky?

Tell us something really interesting that’s happened to you! 

Ak! Which thing? I have many! Lol! Since this interview is for Starla’s Christmas Conundrum, I’ll share a Christmas one. When I was two my mom hired a “Santa” to come to the house for me. Now, keep in mind that at two I told stories without stopping for hours on end, and I remember things from an extremely young age.

“Santa” showed up and let me tell you, he smelled weird. He was holding me standing up, and I wasn’t impressed. He kept asking me what I wanted for Christmas and I was answering. I finally decided he was going to go away until I answered him. Unlike other men’s beards, his was slipping and fake and I knew it. The exasperated man finally said, “You don’t seem happy to see old Santa.”

This I could answer. “No, I want to see Jesus and the angels.” He turned pale, he stuttered and next I found out what flying was like. He threw me at my parents and ran out the door yelling and screaming. Years later I’d learn the smell was alcohol and I scared him sober. He told the neighborhood he couldn’t be a Santa anymore.

I’ll probably put that in one of my books soon, but you read my true experience here first.

What are some of your pet peeves? 

Outside shoes on inside my house. Ewwee. Tell me I’m silly if you must, but I like to be barefoot and walking on germs isn’t my idea of fun. On the bed is a call for washing the linens!

Talking constantly in the movie theater. Please, just don’t and if you have the need to “make out” I don’t want to listen to that.

What do you do to unwind and relax? 

I read, watch TV, or listen to music.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?

The first time I was published in an international magazine and added as a contributing editor.

Which of your novels can you imagine made into a movie?

Evil Forebodings could be a movie pretty easily, I think. It’s got plenty of drama and action that would lend well to a script and acting.

About Carol E. Keen Icon Carol Keen

Carol E. Keen enjoys fresh coffee, hot tea, and a good book. She was published for several years in FAMA magazine (Freshwater and Marine Aquarium) as a contributing editor. She published her first book on CD, called Simply Seahorses.

She is the author of The Beauty Series and The Corandira Station, to name a few of her works. She currently resides in the South with her husband and family and spends her time writing, reading, working in photography, and being with her much loved critters.

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About the Book

Starla's Christmas ConundrumStarla’s Christmas Conundrum by Carol E. Keen
Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Clean Romance


In the greatest conflict of her life, can she figure out who to trust?

Starla Devaroux is at the peak of her music career. Life as a popular Christian music artist is good. This Christmas she finds herself at the crossroads of several life-altering choices. It’s quite a conundrum; the path she takes this time will not only define her future but alter the lives of others as well.


“The main characters were very likable, I could really put myself in Starla’s shoes.”

“It was charming and romantic, and I want to marry Mason, lol.”

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