10Qs with Josefina Gutierrez

Josefina Gutierrez author10Q’s with Josefina Gutierrez author of The Shadow of Loss

1. What is your writing process?
As soon as I know the story I want to tell, I begin an outline and timeline of events. Then focus on developing my characters and backgrounds. Then write, write, write.

2. Describe your journey as an author so far.
I began as an editor when I was younger, because I wanted to get the cultural expressions my peers were working on. After we published the anthology, I realized I really wanted to pursue writing. It took me awhile to figure out what I wanted to write about, now I love every minute of it. It’s definitely challenging being an indie author, but it’s worth it.

3. How do you stay motivated?
I’m not entirely sure, I just have the bug. I NEED to write and read. But when my inner passion stalls, coffee and music gets me motivated.

4. What has been your biggest obstacle while writing and how have you overcome it?
Finding the ideal balance for a scene. I have to constantly remind myself who I’m writing for, otherwise it gets ahead of me. Now, I have people to keep me in check.

5. What makes you cry?
I can get emotional watching a tv commercial. So a lot of things make me cry!

6. What do you know now that you wish you knew as a teenager?
It all gets better, or at least we get better at dealing with what life throws at us.

7. What television shows or movies resonate with you and why?
Beauty and the Beast– yes, I’m not afraid to admit it. It was my security blanket growing up, it soothed me through some rough times.

8. What is your absolute favorite book and why?
The House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros. To me the house felt like the house I grew up in on the West Side, with the themes prevalent in our neighborhood and culture. I could relate to Esperanza continuously searching for her identity and who she wanted to strive to be- the hope.

9. Who is your favorite author?
Neil Gaiman is my absolute favorite. He continues to create vivid stories.

10. What’s next for you?
I’m working on my next book, it should be out by this summer. It’s a New-Adult contemporary love story, dealing with loss, love, and family strength. I didn’t plan on making back-to-back tragedies, but it sort of evolved that way. After this second book, I will completely switch it up with a Fantasy series.

About Josefina

Josefina Gutierrez photo

Josefina Gutierrez is a Young Adult eBook author and a forever student.  Josefina writes Young Adult Multicultural, Sci-fi, and Fantasy literature in her free time when she’s not embarking on adventures with her son and gnomes Fitzgerald and Bartholomew. Josefina’s current projects in the works are a New-Adult fiction eBook and a Fantasy dystopian eBook, the first in a series, due out in 2015.

Contact Josefina: Facebook  | Webpage | Goodreads

Shadow of LossTitle: The Shadow of Loss by Josefina Gutierrez
Genre: YA Realistic Fiction


Evelyn Gonzalez keeps losing people, which is always hard, but has she lost something much more?  Has she lost her soul?  Evelyn has a nervous breakdown and is institutionalized, after months of sorrow and pain she is thrust back into the world.  The world of teenage angst and Calculus.  But can she trust people again?  Especially after hurtful assumptions and judgments made her miss her junior year of high school.  Evelyn is just trying to heal what she lost and graduate from high school.

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