This is a guest post by author Gayle Suzanne.

At first, my writing was limited to journal entries. During my younger years, I was emotionally and sexually abused, bullied and rejected on an almost daily basis. Writing my hurts and pain and feelings of rejection was therapy for me. It was for my eyes only and a way for me to express how I felt in an honest and true way. My pain and longing to be loved was clearly demonstrated on those pages – tear blotches sprinkled throughout. I wrote about my gut wrenching feelings and how situations made me perceive myself and others. I felt like I was trash – I know, that’s a bit harsh, but that’s how I felt. I certainly didn’t think I could write a book that anyone would have any interest in. The thought never crossed my mind then. Writing my feelings and thoughts was a safe way for me to release exactly what I felt and thought. It was my therapy.
As I matured, I made a conscious decision to start loving myself and others and trust in God. I made a commitment to myself that I would be kinder and gentler to myself and that I would take action to change my life. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired of my life. I joined a twelve step co-dependent group, attended workshops, read self-help books, had Reiki treatments and spent countless hours on the counseling couch. I developed a deep, personal relationship with God. Without God, I do not believe I could have made it through. I also began doing things for others. Initially I thought volunteering and serving others was a sacrifice I was making for others and they would be the only ones benefitting from my giving. Oh boy, I was wrong about that! My service to others has been a gift to me!
Over time my life began to change. Things started to shift. I became more peaceful, content and happy. These new steps I was taking was changing my life! I did not feel dread or depressed waking up in the morning. I started to get excited about my life. I actually started liking the person I was. I started to look at things in a different way and tried not to be so hard on myself. I discovered natural talents that I was actually good at! I tried new things and developed my gifts, rather than criticizing myself all the time for the things I couldn’t do. I forgave those who hurt me, realizing that they didn’t know any better. Over time, so many things that I felt sad about, I was able to look at in another way. I began feeling that I was a worthy, good person and I could make a difference.
Then about ten years ago, a glimpse of a thought came into my head about writing this book. I wanted to share my experiences in a way that others could relate to. It’s In The Little Things is a book about the ups and downs of life and pressing through to the other side. It is a compilation of 50 personal stories that have had the most impact on my life. My style is pretty straightforward. I have been blessed with the ability to see the funny side of difficult situations, so some of the subject matter may be a bit emotional, but luckily I have found some humor in those situations. My intent was to write stories that people can relate to – not everyone may have gone through the same situations as I have, but many can relate to the challenge of letting go or setting boundaries or the desire to not let rejection get the best of them.
All of the stories are true and are meant to inspire and make the reader think about little things they can do to make life much more enjoyable. I know we have the power to change our lives. It takes commitment and action, but by making small changes in our daily lives and by looking at things in a different way, we can absolutely improve our lives and be happier. I know, I’ve done it.
Read an excerpt of It’s In The Little Things.
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Thanks Gillian! I love that guest post by Gayle. It’s so personal.
Me too! I got goosebumps reading it.