Angel Wolfe Talks Holiday of the Heart

Angel Wolfe Holiday of the HeartCan you tell us a little bit about the characters in Holiday of the Heart?

Let’s see, Morgan is a writer.  She is very independent yet totally in love with Ricky in a hit or miss, long distance relationship.  Ricky is a married man who while in love with Morgan, has been unable to commit to her because he has been unable to cut ties with his wife.  Nick is a widower with a son that’s about to graduate high school.  He is the town handyman and an all-around nice guy.  And Jake, Jake is Nick’s son.  He is graduating high school and has worked for Morgan doing odd jobs to help her out.  Like his dad, he’s a wonderful guy.

How do you come up with names for your characters? 

I actually use baby name books or web-sites and just dive in.  I normally have an idea what kind of name I’m looking for but have totally changed my mind on occasion after seeing something I liked better.

What did you enjoy most about writing this book? 

Researching Silverton.  I loved driving around town and making note of different places to use.  I actually went and ate at the restaurants that I used in the book too.  We have been going to some of them for 25 years or more.  Wisconsin was beautiful and park where I saw the swans was amazing.  The entire Wisconsin trip will always be a sad but wonderful memory.

How did you come up with the title of your first novel?

My first novel, Damaged Hearts originally started out as The Palomino Man, but I hated the title and once I really got into writing the book, the title no longer fit because it was my heroine that had the palomino; the hero actually had a paint, so I had to change the title.  Once I did, I couldn’t be happier about it because the nine other stories in my head that will make up the series all fit right in.  Breaking Hearts, Trusting Hearts, etc, etc.

Who designed your book covers? 

I do.  They aren’t glamorous or sexy like I’d love to have them but by taking pictures and using those pictures to make my covers, I can do them for free.  I don’t have a budget to work with to buy art work, so I depend on my story ideas and pictures.  The house in Silverton actually is a VRBO, and the cabin in Damaged Hearts does exist.  My sister helped me with the cover of Christmas in Clementine and took that picture for me.

Anything specific you want to tell your readers?

I love feedback.  I would love to hear from my readers and see what they really think.  I am still pretty new at this and am along for the ride almost like they are.  Most of my novels were written from dreams so I don’t always get to choose the path my characters take.  In my upcoming novel Moonlight Immortals, I didn’t know exactly what was going to happen until my characters showed me and it took about fifteen years for this to happen.

How did you come up with title of this book? 

Holiday of the Heart actually started out as a writing challenge, a short story.  I was given 1500 words and the criteria that at Valentines Day, the characters had to be stranded, one of them had to be sick or injured, and there were no utilities (power, heat, running water) so I wrote Storm of the Heart.  I had a lot of good feedback about it, so I decided to write a full-length novel.  I found the quote about a different definition of holiday and ran with it.

Are your characters based off real people or did they all come entirely from your imagination? 

Almost all of my characters have a tidbit or two resemblance to real people that I know.  When authors say “Be nice or you may get murdered in an upcoming story” a lot of us mean it.  LOL  If you know me well enough, a lot of my characters are easy to guess.  But, I can never tell you for sure if you are right or wrong.  😉  Have to protect the identity of my subjects.

Holiday of the Heart coverHoliday of the Heart by Angel Wolfe
Genre: Contemporary Romance


Author Morgan Paige has had more than her share of ups and downs; but can a long-term affair turn into something more, or will the flame smolder only to be fanned by a new love?

After a horrendous Valentine’s Day nightmare, and a hot and steamy reunion, Morgan and Ricky part ways only to have Ricky show up several months later asking her to wait for him. The problem is, Morgan has already been waiting for years. How much is too much? Will their romance survive yet another separation or will someone new fill the aching hole in her heart?

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About Angel Wolfe Photo of Angel Wolfe

Angel Wolfe was born in Muscatine, Iowa and learned to read by the age of three. When she was five, she moved with her family to northwest New Mexico where by the time she reached the age of eleven, she began reading romance novels pilfered from her mother.

In high school, Angel often sat with the textbook open and a romance novel sitting inside it. After high school, she began writing stories in notebooks because she didn’t own a typewriter.

Later, Angel neared completion of her first novel, Damaged Hearts but she couldn’t bring herself to end it (until recently!) Since that time, she has written four short stories, a contemporary holiday novella, a historical romance novel, a contemporary novel ,and is nearing completion on a paranormal romance novel.

When she’s not writing or curled up with a book or watching college football, Angel loves to go to local dirt tracks and watch racing. One of her greatest dreams is to find herself listed on the New York Times bestsellers list.

Angel still lives in New Mexico with her husband, her son, and her dog, a little Muppet with teeth, otherwise known as Rusty.

Connect with Angel on Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | Goodreads

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