Other People’s Crazy by Gregory Fletcher
Genre: Young Adult
In a high school in suburban Arizona, the biggest kid in his sophomore class is being bullied by the smallest. With no dad, best friend, or girlfriend, Brandon’s life feels like pure hopeless chaos. But thanks to his crazy single mom, a stray dog, a bronco-busting hairdresser, a random left turn, and boomerang karma from the Universe, Brandon has a chance to turn his life in a new direction. Chaos, or Choice? They’re both in the mix of crazy at Mesa Verde High.
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About the Author
Other People’s Crazy marks Gregory Fletcher’s YA debut novel. Other published works include two short stories in the anthologies The Night Bazaar, and The Night Bazaar: Venice. Also, Fletcher is the author of the craft book Shorts and Briefs (a collection of short plays and brief principles of playwriting).
Thirteen of his plays have been produced Off-Off-Broadway and regionally in Boston, Provincetown, Moscow (Idaho), and Miami. A native of Dallas, Texas, a resident of New York City, and a graduate with various degrees in theatre from C.S.U.N., Columbia University, and Boston University, Fletcher also teaches at the MA/MFA Maslow Family Creative Writing Program at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.
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