Book Reviews on Goodreads

Goodreads is such an amazing tool for authors and readers. If you have not explored Goodreads check them out here.

Goodreads is owned by Amazon (who isn’t these days). I’ve found that readers seem to prefer to post a review on Goodreads as opposed to Amazon. Maybe it’s because of the ease of use, you just add a book to your shelf, read and then return to your shelf and review. Could it be that the user experience is more pleasurable?

Good idea alert: Amazon take notes – I wish that Amazon would incorporate a way to include Goodreads reviews into their product review section. That would help us authors a lot with increased sales and visibility which is a big ole deal to Amazon algorithms. In non geek speak that means (from what I understand) the more popular your book is, ie in terms of reviews, free and paid downloads, Amazon would throw you a bone and promote you. Considering that there are millions, yes millions of books being published every day on Amazon, us newbies are shit out of luck. Oh well. 

With that said here are some of the books I’ve reviewed on Goodreads. Notice how visually appealing it looks.

AnnabelleAnnabelle by Nancy Christie

My rating: 5 of 5 stars


I really enjoyed this book. I reminded me of the stories we used to read in English lit class. There was timeless beauty in the words. It was very descriptive. I felt like I entered Annabelle’s mind and was right there in her world. It was a simple story of a girl trying to gain the attention of her father, who bestowed all of his love on her mother (his wife) and his paintings.

So much is said in the silence between the characters. The moments between the parents and even between Annabelle and her father.

This story was beautifully written, a real little gem that I am glad that I got to read. I look forward to reading other works by Nancy Christie

This book was sent to me by the author in exchange for my honest review.


Come As You AreCome As You Are by Theresa Weir

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I LOVED!!!! This book. Molly is so screwed up, her and Ian’s juxtaposition was perfect. There are times I wanted to cry because of what she had gone through. I didn’t see the twist coming about how she and Ian were connected that was a SURPRISE! It was such a beautiful story, with all their family members dead they had no one else and found each other.

Molly to me felt real, I actually know people like her. Those are the people I connect well with because they are in no way perfect, and they have accepted themselves that way.

She is a strong female, a fighter. The book had some dark elements but I loved that about it. At Molly’s age I remember going through shit like that, not knowing how anything will work out. So I sympathized with her. I love the rawness in this story, the sex scenes were explicit (that’s the only spoiler I’m putting on here).

Theresa Weir is an award winning author, a title she deserves, now I’m going on the hunt for more books from her. Brilliantly written.

If you are looking for a book that is a love story, tragic, with strong female characters (Molly and Rose), this is it. It is not a fluffy typical romance novel where the girl is rescued by the guy. Our heroin is a kick ass, take charge kind of girl.

One of my favorite lines come from Molly “I would work this stepbrother thing as long as possible because Ian bugged the hell out of me and I needed to torment him.”

I would remember this book for a long time. I am glad that I bought this book so I can read it and re-read it.

Losing My Virginity Book coverLosing My Virginity: How I’ve Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way by Richard Branson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loved it! Very inspirational, a lesson in business that you will not get in a business school. Branson is charismatic, down-to-earth, open and honest in this book. It was amazing the type of oppositions he had to get through to get to where he is today. A must read for any entrepreneur.

Wounded (Aspen, #0.5)Wounded by Cindy Stark

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this book! I felt for Jerry and Kimber. I love the relationship between them and their friends. This story is a good hometown story of a wounded soldier returning home to the ghosts he left behind. Not only is he physically wounded but so is his heart. The heart wants what the heart wants and Jerry can’t fight it. Neither can Kimber. It was short and sweet and had all the right elements mixed in.

View all my reviews


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