Fugitives From Northwoods

Fugitives from Northwoods book coverSynopsis for Fugitives From Northwoods

Eight teenagers escape imprisonment at a work camp to brave the wilderness. Tested to their limits, they struggle to survive their terrifying dash for freedom.

After the total collapse of the world economy, the United States could not stand together. So they failed separately. In the small region-state of Winnkota, poverty and greed are turning the idyllic Northwoods of Minnesota into a barren wasteland of clear-cut forests and over-fished lakes. Every able-bodied teenager is conscripted into a labor force and sent to work in harsh, prison-like conditions. They are enslaved young so they never learn to think for themselves. But Penn is different. He’s determined to win back freedom—for himself, his friends, and someday for his homeland.

On a cold autumn night, the group makes their dash for freedom north of the border. The fugitives endure a series of difficult wilderness challenges while pursued by the ruthless camp guards. They weave through dense forest, scale cliffs, swim through the bitterly cold lakes, and otherwise try simply to survive. Pushing his friends to the breaking point, Penn guides the fugitives through a harsh, but ironically beautiful, backdrop of amazing Northwoods scenery. Adversity and loss abound, all while an unexpected physical attraction leads to a burgeoning love story.

Should any of them survive to reach the border, will the freedom found equal all that they expected?

Book excerpt

“It is 2027 and the youth of a failed America, forced into slave labor camps at age fourteen, have never tasted freedom.  But all of that is about to change.  Tonight, Penn and his crew are going under the wire.”

The Reviews from Amazon

A highly rated 4.6 star book (21 5-star, 10 4-star)

“If you like reading about dystopian future, adventure, and surviving in the wilderness, I would highly recommend this book!!”

“Now he can’t wait for more books to come out by this author.”

“This book is very well written.”

Purchase Fugitives from Northwoods on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the Author

Chris Bostic is an author of young adult novels from St. Louis, Missouri. An avid outdoorsman, Chris uses his experiences to write ultra-realistic, gripping action/adventure, wilderness survival books that appeal to young and old alike.

A father of three and husband to one, Chris shares his outdoors passion with his loving wife, three wonderful children, and a Boy Scout troop. Chris’ teenage son is an Eagle Scout. His red-headed middle child has a passion for reading (and is a budding young author). His youngest child is a very smart toddler who’s growing up too fast while keeping him young at heart.

Somehow, between a full time job and a busy family, Chris finds time to write.


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