10 Q’s with Richard Hilary Weber

F Train iconIf you had a choice to live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?

Blessed with good fortune, I’ve had that choice & chose Provençe. Family, friends, neighbors, climate, culture, food, wine, scenery, a rational & humane social order for the most part, and history – the walls of my house, 5+ ft thick & all stone, are from 1123 & built by the Knights Templar.

What is your writing process?

Draft in the morning; revise in the evening. Write every day. Characters drive the stories. Dialogue shapes/gives life to characters.

Describe your journey as an author so far.

A scriptwriter for European directors, an international ad agency copywriter/creative director, now novelist & playwright.

How do you stay motivated?

Keep on writing.

What has been your biggest obstacle while writing and how
have you overcome it?

Slow typing. So keep on typing.

Why did you write this book?

To keep alive memories of Brooklyn & the fabulous people who populate that colorful & wonderful borough, now fashionable & famous worldwide.

What do you hope readers would take away from this book?

Precisely what one reader recently wrote, an Amazon Top 100
Reviewer Vine Voice …

“What a treat, this novel hooked me completely from page one. I have not read this author before, but I hope to read his series. Retired FBI agent, Raymond O’Hara, was on his way home from his local bar, and waiting for the F Train. When it arrived he had the shock of his life, one car, filled with seven people were all dead, splayed all over the car. He called 911. These people it turned out were killed by the Sarin gas, and the fun had just begun.

Detective Florence Ott, of the Brooklyn murder division, was handed this case. Everyone was after her, including the Mayor who wanted the case solved tomorrow. The media also all over her, and if they knew the details, all Hell would break lose. Flo as she liked to be called had a great team. They liked her, worked their asses off for her. She did not have an easy life, her husband a quadriplegic from the recent war… lived in a rehab, one daughter in college in Boston. What Flo had was her husband’s love, she visited him as often as possible, and she had her work.

The author knows a great deal about crime, how a detective division works, the perps and how they work, the police administration, the media, and Brooklyn. We are given infinite detail about the subway stations, the restaurants, the little shops, the Russian groups, the Chinese groups, the homes in and around Brooklyn. One of the reasons I liked this book is that I loved the characters, all real and well described. The locations felt like home while I was reading about them. This author knows his detail, and he knows how to write. Can’t wait to read the next in the series”

How long did it take you to write this book?

Several months.

What’s next for you?

F TRAIN is the 1st of 10 novels/novellas in my Brooklyn Crimes series. The neyt – FANATICS – will be released by Random House Alibi on Oct.20, 2015. FANATICS: Det. Lt. Flo Ott has to prevent the threatened assassination of a newly elected senator, while solving the murder of a notorious rap star.

For release in 2016 …

SHOOT IN SUNLIGHT -A Foreign”Crimes Novel

DOCTOR LOVE: A Brooklyn Crimes Novella

CAPTIVE: A Brooklyn Crimes Novel

In 2017…

EVERLASTING: A Brooklyn Crimes Novel

LISA & I: A Brooklyn Crimes Novella

DARK SABBATH: A Foreign Crimes Novel

In 2018…

KIDS: A Brooklyn Crimes Novel

HOT LOOT: A Brooklyn Crimes Novel

DOCTOR MAX: A Brooklyn Crimes Novella

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F Train book coverTitle: F Train by Richard Hilary Weber
Genre: Thriller


In a fast-paced thriller perfect for readers of Kathy Reichs and Linda
Fairstein, dedicated Brooklyn cop Flo Ott unravels the mystery of a
terrifying mass murder–from the cold underbelly of New York to
the city’s glittering heights.

Beneath Brooklyn’s wintry streets, seven people are dead, slumped
in their seats on an F train. Fast thinking and good fortune prevent
the subway car doors from opening, spilling poisonous gas into the
station. It’s not long before a frightened metropolis of eight million
demands answers: if this was an act of terror, where will these cruel killers strike next?

NYPD detective Flo Ott looks closely at the victims. Each of their stories leads to another, one more colorful and complex than the last. A few of these quintessential New Yorkers catch Flo’s attention: a
mysterious off-duty FBI agent; the beautiful woman next to him, who may have been his lover. Then there’s a Russian mobster with more than his fair share of enemies.

As Flo battles false leads, conflicting witnesses, and meddling politicians, her investigation delves into the dark side of the city
that never sleeps. Flo becomes convinced that this wasn’t a random act of violence, and she fears something much worse may be rumbling down the tracks.

About the Author

Richard Hilary Weber, a native of Brooklyn and a Columbia University graduate, has taught at the universities of Stockholm and Copenhagen, and has been a scriptwriter for French and Swedish filmmakers. He lives in Provence, France.

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