Every Rejection You Make by TJ Bell

Every Rejection book cover TJ Bell

Every Rejection You Make Faerell Book 2, Rejected Mates Collection by TJ Bell

Genre: Paranormal Fantasy Romance

The Usurper has been captured. The rightful queen has claimed her throne. Faerell, the land of the fae and wolves, is once again safe.

Faery Warrior Tessa should be celebrating. Instead, she’s climbing a mountain with a wolf wanna-be Warrior and a prisoner no one trusts, and she’s humiliated by the treachery of her ex-partner.

As if that weren’t enough, the wolf wanna-be Warrior, Rollo, saved her life, so now she’s beholden to him.

Which is a problem, because she’s also attracted to him.

Which is a bigger problem because she doesn’t even like him.

This is the second book in the Faerell series. For the most enjoyable reading experience, it is recommended to read the books in order.

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Another book in the series featured on this website, Once Rejected, Twice Shy

About the Author

TJ Bell icon

TJ Bell is the naughtier alter-ego of romance author Tami Lund (although you should totally read Tami Lund’s books too, because they are really, really good). TJ Bell writes paranormal and fantasy romance, all the time. Her heroines are tough, even if they are broken, and her heroes tend to have a heart of gold under all that alpha. Hell, sometimes they aren’t even alpha at all; after all, who doesn’t love a solid beta hero?

When she isn’t writing snarky, steamy books, TJ Bell likes to take long walks on the beach with a tall glass of wine… oh wait, wrong bio. But still true.

TJ Bell lives in the (sometimes) beautiful state of Michigan, USA, where the weather is glorious approximately 30% of the time, with her even-more-snarky husband, snarky-in-training (and progressing impressively) teenage daughter, and her dog, Kaya, who wants to know if it’s dinnertime yet.

Connect with TJ via Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Bookbub | Amazon | Goodreads

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