Eternal Tuat by V.S. Nelson
(Sekhmet’s Guardian’s) (Book Four)
Bagsu, his name alone strikes fear in the Guardian Nation.
What can cause one twin, destined to take his father’s place as a priest turn evil and lead a crusade to dominate the human race while the other fights to save mankind?
Finally, secrets are revealed when Bagsu leads us back in time to the land of New Tuat. Experience first hand what really happened to Bagsu and Gabriel long before they became immortal, when twin brothers were the best of friends.
Purchase Eternal Tuat – Sekhmet’s Guardians – Book Four on Amazon or B&N.
About V.S Nelson

With a love for history, Native American author V.S. Nelson, instructed elementary, high school and college in the U.S. and abroad before launching her second writing career.
V has been a story-teller all her life, always creating stories about people discovering the courage to make a difference. This drove her into writing her paranormal series centering on strong relationships and led her to coin the term: Ancient Legends, New Worlds.
She is well known for her “time management and sprint style writing,” producing well over five thousand words daily – consecutively.
V is available for speaking engagements, appearances and is more than willing to share her methodology with others in a variety of workshops.
A member of three RWA chapters she sits on several committees and judges writing contests across the states.
In Jan, 2013, Eternal Lovers, the first book in her eleven book paranormal series, Sekhmet’s Guardians launched with a fury. Being a series reader herself, she has held true to her promise by releasing no less than two books in the series per year in addition to her other work.
Contact Information
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Excerpt from Eternal Life
Gabe blasted through Michael’s private office door without knocking. “Have you lost your ever loving fucking mind? Having a human whore transferred to my infirmary without checking with me first!”
“Well hello Gabe, nice to see you too. I wondered how long it would take you to find your way down here.”
Dismissing Gabe’s erratic behavior, Michael leaned back in his leather office chair, opened his bottom desk drawer, pulled out a bottle of Scotch and two barrel glasses. “Have a seat.”
Gabe placed both palms on Michael’s desk, leaned in and got in his face. “God Damn it, Michael, this is not a social call.”
“I kind of figured that out since you damn near broke the hinges off my door. Now sit down, shut up and have a drink!”
Gabe growled something unrecognizable, plopped into one of the two patient chairs facing his desk then snatched one of the glasses and tossed back the contents.
Michael placed the bottle of Scotch on his oak desk. More than likely, Gabe was going to need at least two more drinks while they talked. He picked up his own drink and took a sip.
“I’m waiting.”
“So you are.” He took another sip of the Scotch, allowing the liquid to wash over his tongue before swallowing. “I’m sure you know over the past few weeks I’ve been spending a lot of time over at county.”
“Yeah I know, but I figured you were hanging out in Dr. Radcliff’s office. I’m quite aware of your little secret, which I might say, isn’t all that secret. I think everyone around the estate knows what the two of you have been doing behind closed doors… and that still doesn’t answer my question; why in the hell did you transfer that hooker here?”
“What can I say, Susan is a lovely woman. Here let me refill that for you.”
Michael grabbed the bottle and refilled Gabe’s empty glass.
“That she is. I kind of half expected you to be moving her in.”
“Nope, not going to happen.”
“Really? I was under the impression things were working out for the two of you.”
“Nah, we’ve both like our freedom too much to settle down… Look Gabe, I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. I like Susan and I think the feelings are mutual, but what we have isn’t permanent; at best it’s a… a… mutual time filler.”
“So that’s what they call fuck buddies these days.”
“Well, you know me; I never have been one to dance around semantics. I call it as I see it.”
Grabbing the bottle, Michael refilled his glass then topped Gabe’s.
“Are you ever going to answer my question or are you trying to get us drunk? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drink this early in the morning. What’s brother you?”
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This book looks very good, thanks for sharing!
Yay! Glad you like it. Thanks for commenting.
Also I don’t have a favorite Sekhmet Guardian this is a new series for me but I look forward to reading it!