Avery Flynn and Her Enemies on Tap

I’d like to welcome the quirky and extremely creative Avery Flynn, author of Enemies on Tap. Today Avery gives us a little story about coming up with the quirky little town of Salvation and its residents.


Avery Flynn, Author Enemies on TapThere’s a lot to love about beer and books. So why not combine them?

Yep, as simple as that half-formed thought, the Sweet Salvation Brewery was born. And what is more fun than a girl with the last name Sweet who everyone in her small town is convinced is anything but?

If you haven’t guessed by now, I’m a natural born smartass with a flair for the silly and most of my stories start out as a way to amuse myself. Enemies on Tap, the first book in the Sweet Salvation Brewery series, is a prime example.

First, I had to come up with perfect underdog of a family. There is a reason I’ve seen Rocky so many times, I love to root for the underdog. So the Sweets came into existence. They are the family most likely to burn down the DMV in small town Salvation. The uncle who was in charge of the family brewery was on a mission to create pot-flavored beer. If you go into the cell at the local jail, you’ll find the name Sweet carved into the walls multiple times. They’re a little bit wild, but their hearts are good.

But Miranda is the exception who proves the all-Sweets-are-crazy rule. Where they’re flighty, she’s grounded. Where they’re wild, she is buttoned up. Where they’re crossing the line, she keeps her toe placed firmly on it. So when she and her sisters inherit the Sweet Salvation Brewery, who better than Miranda to get the floundering business on the right track? But deep-down, she’s a Sweet at heart. For as much as she tries to keep all that crazy under wraps, you know it’s bound to break out. What fun would it be if it didn’t?

With all that in mind, I knew I had to find the perfect foil for Miranda in Enemies on Tap. That’s when Logan Martin popped into my head. Hot, cocky and more than a little bit sure of himself, he needs to be taken down a notch or two—and Miranda is the perfect woman for that. After all, their families have been enemies since the town of Salvation was founded.

So with those characters floating around in my head, the town of Salvation gelled with The Kitchen Sink Diner (because diners in small towns have everything but the kitchen sink) and The Heaven Sent Bakery (because how could you not in a town named Salvation). The people of Salvation are gossipy and set in their ways, but they have heart and a strong sense of community.

Although researching craft breweries was just awful what with all the hops smelling and beer drinking I had to do, Enemies on Tap was a blast to write. I hope you’ll enjoy your time in Salvation with Miranda, Logan and the everyone else in that crazy little town.

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Enemies on Tap book coverEnemies on Tap (Sweet Salvation Brewery #1) by Avery Flynn


Brewing up trouble one pint at a time.


What’s a girl to do when the only person who can help her is the man who betrayed her? After years away, Miranda returns to Salvation, Virginia to save her family’s brewery, but her fate is in the hands of her first lover turned enemy, Logan Martin.


Logan, Salvation’s de facto prince, can’t believe his luck when the woman who smashed his heart to smithereens walks into his bank asking for his help. What she doesn’t know is he needs the land her brewery is on. When she tempts him with a bet—if she wins, he gives her the loan; if he wins, she forfeits the land—he knows it’s a sure thing.

An Irresistible Combination

But soon it’s a battle between their attraction for each other and their determination to win, and it’s in each other’s arms that they realize there might be more at stake now than the bet. With the town dead set against the Sweet Salvation Brewery’s success, Logan has to choose between what’s expected of him and what he really wants—even if helping Miranda means she’ll run out of his life once again.

Purchase Enemies on Tap (a Sweet Salvation Brewery Novel) (Entangled Indulgence) on Amazon.

About the Author: Avery Flynn has three slightly-wild children, loves a hockey-addicted husband and is desperately hoping someone invents the coffee IV drip.

Contact Avery: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Booklikes

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