What’s Cookin’ with DJ Adamson

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How do you identify yourself?

I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a professor.

I am a writer.

This last was the hardest for me to admit, yet I think it is the largest part of me. My mother said I came out of the womb holding a pencil and a piece of paper. OUCH! I think she meant that I have been questioning and writing for as long as she or I could remember.

I wrote my first book when I was about six. I didn’t appreciate the “isn’t that cute” comments. I wrote another book when I was ten. This time, I didn’t show it to my parents, expecting the same type of platitude; instead, I showed it to my teacher. She said I should rethink the idea of being an artist (I drew my graphics), but she thought I should be a writer.

“But I am a writer,” I quipped. Hadn’t I just shown her my new book?

After that, I secreted my writing. I didn’t show it to anyone. I did send it out to a couple of journals my librarian told me about. My first poem was published when I was twelve. I continued writing in whatever venue I found time for while swimming to stay afloat in the river of life. I journaled every night before going to bed. I wrote notes on what I had dreamed when I woke in the morning. I wrote down bits of conversation I overheard—my most favorite pastime is “eavesdropping.” The books I wrote, I put in a closet for some day when I had more time.

I am a wife.  I am a mother. I am now a retired professor.

But, if you asked me what encompassed my soul, it would be writing. That is my spiritual self. The gift given to me to bring into this world. The one part of me that has never strayed as life got in the way or while I was doggie-paddling along.

I am, therefore, I write.

Who are you?

I hope you will write and tell me. You can contact me at dj@djadamson.com.

Or, comment here on the blog. The first 5 who leave comments or questions will receive a FREE digital of Cookin’ Up Murder.

About DJ Adamson

DJ Adamson photo

D. J. Adamson is an accomplished author known for her captivating storytelling and engaging characters. She has established herself as a prominent figure in the world of mystery and suspense fiction. Her work draws inspiration from classic detective novels and contemporary thrillers.

Adamson’s literary journey began at a young age, and she continued the journey through her life, recently embarking on her work with novels and her exceptional ability to create immersive worlds and multifaceted characters.

She developed her own unique style that combines elements of suspense, intrigue and psychological depth. Beyond her novels, Adamson has contributed to various literary journals and anthologies, sharing her insights and expertise with fellow writers and enthusiasts.

Her work has gained a loyal following and her novels praised for their intricate plotting and masterful storytelling. When not immersed in the world of writing, Adamson enjoys the Central CA coast, traveling, and the outdoors.

She also engages with her readers through various platforms, fostering a strong connection and appreciation for the support she receives from her dedicated fan base. Readers can connect with her through her website at www.djadamson.com.

Connect with DJ on her Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Bookbub | Amazon | Goodreads

Cookin’ Up Murder

Tuesday Welsh, a witty and tenacious private investigator whose life takes an unexpected turn when she stumbles upon the lifeless body of Eric Kenny, owner of Mr. Yummy’s donut shop. Yet, upon going to the home of Eric Kenny, she finds him standing in the doorway, ready to greet her.

Cookin Up Murder by DJ Adamson

Cookin’ Up  Murder Davidson & Welsh Investigations Book One by D.J. Adamson

Genre: Cozy Mystery

“Cookin’ Up Murder” is a lighthearted and captivating mystery set in Appleton, Oregon. The story revolves around Tuesday Welsh, a witty and a tenacious private investigator whose life takes an unexpected turn when she stumbles upon the lifeless body of Eric Kenny, owner of Mr. Yummy’s donut shop.

Tuesday is thrust into a web of secrets and danger that extends far beyond the sugary confines of the donut shop. As she delves deeper into the investigation, determined to unearth the truth, she finds herself entangled in a sinister plot that will shock her community. And possibly gain Davidson & Welsh a new client.

Filled with a blend of humor and suspense, “Cookin’ Up Murder” is sure to captivate readers who enjoy mysteries. It offers an engaging puzzle that will keep readers guessing until the satisfying reveal of the culprit.

Neither snow nor hunky cops nor angry cats will keep intrepid P.I. Tuesday Welsh from the (sometimes tardy) commission of her appointed rounds, chiefly trying to figure out why the body she discovered shows up alive and kicking elsewhere. “Cookin’ Up Murder” offers a delightful demonstration of how small towns can cook up big problems, with an ever-resourceful (despite herself) heroine as your guide.” – Michael Mallory.

Purchase on Amazon | BookBub | Goodreads

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