The Color of Love by Ty Mitchell

A word from Ty Mitchell on The Color of Love.

While I was writing The Color of Love an interesting question was presented to me…What message do you want to give to your readers?

Up until that point I had never really thought about it. I just wanted to make a compelling story with plot twists and three-dimensional characters. But there are tens of thousands of books that have those things and more, but what did they do to leave an impact on you?

Can you read that book three or four times like it was your first time? Did it affect your life in anyway? These questions made me reevaluate what I was doing with my book and how I wanted to impact the world.

So let’s take the main character, Daisy, for example. There are so many layers that make her who she is. She is a bi-racial woman. A painter. A rape victim. And many more traits and aspects about her that I can’t get into because they’re spoilers. But if we peel back the multiple layers to see her in her most basic form what we have left is simple… a human being.

That’s the common ground that we ALL stand on. No matter our race, nationality, sex, or sexual orientation; we are all human beings living on this earth together.

Our differences are what make us unique, but bring us closer at the same time. So it doesn’t matter if I don’t agree with your political views or subscribe to religious beliefs; at the bare minimum we should be able to coexist and respect each other.

That’s the message I wanted to get out. That’s the purpose of this book and that’s one of the main topics I tackle.

In 2016, the world has been all about black and white. And I’m not just talking about race relations, I’m talking about: the joy of living, creating, and just being different. So let’s take a moment to enjoy life and color the world our favorite colors.

Color of Love Title: The Color of Love by Ty Mitchell
Genre: Contemporary Romance


Daisy, a struggling artist working as a bartender in Los Angeles, wants to use Mike’s connections in the art world.

Mike, not accustomed to rejection, wants to use Daisy to prove to his friends that he is man enough for the ultimate conquest.

So when Mike cozies up to Daisy, she doesn’t reject his advances. But both are surprised when ulterior motives fall by the wayside, and they find themselves entangled in feelings they never expected. Daisy must decide where her heart is leading her—and if she wants to follow.

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About the Author

Ty Mitchell is an American freelance writer who writes about life and TY Mitchell authorrelationships on his blog,, and publications such as Elite Daily.

What-if moments inspire Mitchell’s writing, as he explores the different turns his life could have taken if he had made different decisions.

Mitchell enjoys drawing and writing short stories, novels, and screenplays. He happily lives with his Sicilian wife, newborn son, and German-born beagle.

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