A Quick Chat with Cherie Colyer

Photo Cherie ColyerCherie Colyer is best known for her young adult, paranormal romance thrillers, including the Embrace series (featuring witchcraft) and Challenging Destiny (a story about outsmarting heaven and hell.)

She usually has several book projects in the works. She enjoys helping budding writers improve their craft and learn more about the publishing industry.

Cherie lives in Illinois with her family. She happily visits schools and libraries and is a member of SCBWI (Society of Children Book Writers and Illustrators).

A Quick Chat with Cherie Colyer

What is something unique/quirky about you?

I’m a bit dyslexic. I’ve never been diagnosed as such, but I often switch letters and words around. With auto-correct, it makes for fun editing. It’s not uncommon for me to find a strange word I’m sure I didn’t type in the middle of a chapter.

What are some of your pet peeves? 

I really, really hate it when people fold the corners of a book to mark their place, and I don’t quite understand why people have to drive in the middle of the road. There are two lanes, stay in yours!

If you knew you’d die tomorrow, how would you spend your last day? 

I’d spend it at Universal Studios in Florida, riding roller coasters, sipping butter-beer, and casting spells with the people I love.

What do you do to unwind and relax?

When it’s nice out, I’ll go for walks or do yard work. There’s something therapeutic about being outside and it’s easy to get lost in thought. Otherwise, I like to curl up with a good book or binge-watch shows on Netflix and Prime. I recommend His Dark Materials and Queen’s Gambit, and I’m looking forward to season 4 of Stranger Things.

What can we expect from you in the future?

I’m working on a sequel for Damned When I Didn’t. It’s going a bit slow because I’ve taken a break to write an adult novella for a series my publisher is putting together. Fingers crossed, I finish both of these books in 2021, and that they are picked up by my publisher.

Connect with Cherie on her Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Bookbub | Amazon | Goodreads

About the Book

Damned When I didn't book coverDamned When I Didn’t by Cherie Colyer
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance


Death isn’t the end for eighteen-year-old Avery Williams, and her final resting place isn’t beyond the Golden Gates. No, the Queen of the Damned has plans for her and, unbeknownst to Avery, fought hard to gain possession of her soul.

As Hell’s newest succubus, Avery is expected to siphon life from the living. It only takes a long, meaningful kiss, but for a virgin like Avery, kissing guys she barely knows isn’t something she’s comfortable doing. Avery focuses on the upside of her fate—she’ll be returning home, or so she thinks. When the Queen of the Damned cuts her off from her old life, Avery is determined to find a way back to her family and friends, even if it means facing Hell’s fury if she’s caught.

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